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Date Nouns Proper nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs Pronouns Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections Particles
2009-09-04 3990 680 692 447 115 80 33 32 25 16
2009-10-01 4066 695 704 453 117 80 34 32 25 17

4 Semptember 2009

Nouns – 3,990
Proper nouns – 680
Adjectives – 692
Verbs – 447
Adverbs – 115
Pronouns – 80
Prepositions – 33
Conjunctions – 32
Interjections – 25
Particles – 16

1 October 2009

Nouns – 4066
Proper nouns – 695
Adjectives – 704
Verbs – 453
Adverbs – 117
Pronouns – 80
Prepositions – 34
Conjunctions – 32
Interjections – 25
Particles – 17

1 November 2009

Nouns – 4187
Proper nouns – 721
Adjectives – 736
Verbs – 464
Adverbs – 123
Pronouns – 82
Prepositions – 34
Conjunctions – 32
Interjections – 29
Particles – 17

1 December 2009

Nouns – 4296
Proper nouns – 769
Adjectives – 770
Verbs – 479
Adverbs – 128
Pronouns – 86
Prepositions – 34
Conjunctions – 34
Interjections – 29
Particles – 18

1 January 2010

Nouns – 4358
Proper nouns – 788
Adjectives – 780
Verbs – 485
Adverbs – 134
Pronouns – 89
Prepositions – 35
Conjunctions – 35
Interjections – 33
Particles – 18

6 March 2010

Nouns – 4427
Proper nouns – 808
Adjectives – 811
Verbs – 501
Adverbs – 141
Pronouns – 90
Prepositions – 35
Conjunctions – 36
Interjections – 34
Particles – 18

1 April 2010

Nouns – 4519
Proper nouns – 811
Adjectives – 833
Verbs – 509
Adverbs – 158
Pronouns – 90
Prepositions – 35
Conjunctions – 36
Interjections – 34
Particles – 18

1 May 2010

Nouns – 4563
Proper nouns – 825
Adjectives – 841
Verbs – 510
Adverbs – 161
Pronouns – 90
Prepositions – 35
Conjunctions – 36
Interjections – 34
Particles – 18

4 June 2010

Nouns – 4623
Proper nouns – 828
Adjectives – 850
Verbs – 513
Adverbs – 168
Pronouns – 90
Prepositions – 35
Conjunctions – 36
Interjections – 35
Particles – 18

1 July 2010

Nouns – 4655
Proper nouns – 830
Adjectives – 861
Verbs – 520
Adverbs – 170
Pronouns – 91
Prepositions – 35
Conjunctions – 36
Interjections – 35
Particles – 18

1 August 2010

Nouns – 4757
Proper nouns – 836
Adjectives – 884
Verbs – 535
Adverbs – 175
Pronouns – 91
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 37
Interjections – 36
Particles – 20

1 September 2010

Nouns – 4813
Proper nouns – 848
Adjectives – 894
Verbs – 540
Adverbs – 179
Pronouns – 91
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 37
Interjections – 36
Particles – 21

1 October 2010

Nouns – 4872
Proper nouns – 848
Adjectives – 902
Verbs – 547
Adverbs – 182
Pronouns – 91
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 37
Interjections – 36
Particles – 21

1 November 2010

Nouns – 4878
Proper nouns – 848
Adjectives – 910
Verbs – 547
Adverbs – 182
Pronouns – 91
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 37
Interjections – 37
Particles – 21

1 December 2010

Nouns – 4900
Proper nouns – 848
Adjectives – 931
Verbs – 553
Adverbs – 183
Pronouns – 91
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 37
Interjections – 37
Particles – 21

1 January 2011

Nouns – 4973
Proper nouns – 849
Adjectives – 953
Verbs – 561
Adverbs – 187
Pronouns – 95
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 38
Interjections – 37
Particles – 22

3 February 2011

Nouns – 5011
Proper nouns – 851
Adjectives – 962
Verbs – 568
Adverbs – 187
Pronouns – 95
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 38
Interjections – 38
Particles – 22

1 March 2011

Nouns – 5081
Proper nouns – 851
Adjectives – 979
Verbs – 574
Adverbs – 192
Pronouns – 95
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 38
Interjections – 38
Particles – 22

1 April 2011

Nouns – 5191
Proper nouns – 857
Adjectives – 1041
Verbs – 584
Adverbs – 204
Pronouns – 95
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 38
Interjections – 39
Particles – 23

4 May 2011

Nouns – 5244
Proper nouns – 860
Adjectives – 1065
Verbs – 586
Adverbs – 207
Pronouns – 101
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 38
Interjections – 40
Particles – 23

1 June 2011

Nouns – 5327
Proper nouns – 867
Adjectives – 1106
Verbs – 592
Adverbs – 212
Pronouns – 101
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 38
Interjections – 40
Particles – 23

1 July 2011

Nouns – 5388
Proper nouns – 885
Adjectives – 1148
Verbs – 601
Adverbs – 219
Pronouns – 100
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 38
Interjections – 40
Particles – 23

1 August 2011

Nouns – 5426
Proper nouns – 912
Adjectives – 1162
Verbs – 604
Adverbs – 221
Pronouns – 100
Prepositions – 38
Conjunctions – 39
Interjections – 40
Particles – 23

1 September 2011

Nouns – 5521
Proper nouns – 917
Adjectives – 1173
Verbs – 619
Adverbs – 235
Pronouns – 100
Prepositions – 39
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 42
Particles – 29

1 October 2011

Nouns – 5619
Proper nouns – 928
Adjectives – 1202
Verbs – 635
Adverbs – 249
Pronouns – 177
Prepositions – 41
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 49
Particles – 29

1 November 2011

Nouns – 5679
Proper nouns – 954
Adjectives – 1231
Verbs – 639
Adverbs – 251
Pronouns – 177
Prepositions – 41
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 49
Particles – 29

1 December 2011

Nouns – 5698
Proper nouns – 955
Adjectives – 1237
Verbs – 639
Adverbs – 252
Pronouns – 177
Prepositions – 41
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 49
Particles – 29

1 January 2012

Nouns – 5703
Proper nouns – 958
Adjectives – 1241
Verbs – 639
Adverbs – 254
Pronouns – 177
Prepositions – 41
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 49
Particles – 29

1 February 2012

Nouns – 5705
Proper nouns – 958
Adjectives – 1244
Verbs – 639
Adverbs – 254
Pronouns – 177
Prepositions – 41
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 49
Particles – 29

1 March 2012

Nouns – 5741
Proper nouns – 960
Adjectives – 1256
Verbs – 653
Adverbs – 259
Pronouns – 177
Prepositions – 41
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 49
Particles – 30

1 April 2012

Nouns – 5750
Proper nouns – 963
Adjectives – 1270
Verbs – 654
Adverbs – 259
Pronouns – 177
Prepositions – 40
Conjunctions – 44
Interjections – 50
Particles – 30

1 May 2012

Nouns – 5800
Proper nouns – 973
Adjectives – 1293
Verbs – 661
Adverbs – 247
Pronouns – 77
Prepositions – 40
Conjunctions – 45
Interjections – 51
Particles – 30

1 June 2012

Nouns – 5800
Proper nouns – 981
Adjectives – 1303
Verbs – 658
Adverbs – 252
Pronouns – 75
Prepositions – 40
Conjunctions – 45
Interjections – 51
Particles – 29

1 July 2012

Nouns – 5837
Proper nouns – 1000
Adjectives – 1308
Verbs – 660
Adverbs – 252
Pronouns – 75
Prepositions – 42
Conjunctions – 45
Interjections – 51
Particles – 30

1 August 2012

Nouns – 5886
Proper nouns – 1010
Adjectives – 1320
Verbs – 659
Adverbs – 255
Pronouns – 75
Prepositions – 49
Conjunctions – 45
Interjections – 51
Particles – 30

1 September 2012

Nouns – 5921
Proper nouns – 1022
Adjectives – 1336
Verbs – 668
Adverbs – 256
Pronouns – 77
Prepositions – 49
Conjunctions – 45
Interjections – 53
Particles – 31

1 October 2012

Nouns – 5972
Proper nouns – 1025
Adjectives – 1348
Verbs – 680
Adverbs – 261
Pronouns – 77
Prepositions – 49
Conjunctions – 46
Interjections – 55
Particles – 31

1 November 2012

Nouns – 5972
Proper nouns – 1025
Adjectives – 1348
Verbs – 680
Adverbs – 261
Pronouns – 77
Prepositions – 49
Conjunctions – 46
Interjections – 55
Particles – 31

1 December 2012

Nouns – 6087
Proper nouns – 1084
Adjectives – 1387
Verbs – 686
Adverbs – 266
Pronouns – 77
Prepositions – 49
Conjunctions – 46
Interjections – 56
Particles – 31

26 September 2024

Nouns – 38813
Proper nouns – 16193
Adjectives – 10651
Verbs – 13163
Adverbs – 3532
Pronouns – 174
Prepositions – 275
Conjunctions – 181
Interjections – 656
Particles – 647