User:Robert Ullmann/SC recovery/report/nj

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entry short definition tag languages present to be recovered
nj The 20th (digraph) letter of the Serbo-Croati ... Serbian Croatian
nje of her (genitive singular of (ona, òna, she))
ње of her (genitive singular of (она, о̀на, she))
njedra (plurale tantum) bosom, breast Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
њедра (plurale tantum) bosom, breast Serbian
njega care, nursing tag Croatian
њега care, nursing
njegov his Croatian
његов his (that which belongs to him)
njem him (locative singular of (on, ȏn, he))
њем him (locative singular of (он, о̑н, he))
Njemačka Germany tag Bosnian,Croatian
Њемачка Germany
njemački German tag Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian
njemački ovčar German Shepherd tag
њемачки овчар German Shepherd
њемачки German Serbian
Njemica German (German person) tag Croatian
Њемица German (German person)
njemu to him (dative singular of (on, ȏn, he))
њему to him (dative singular of (он, о̑н, he))
njezin her Croatian
nježan tender, delicate, soft tag
њежан tender, delicate, soft
nježno gently, tenderly, softly tag
њежно gently, tenderly, softly
nježnost (uncountable) tenderness, softness, delicacy tag Croatian
њежност (uncountable) tenderness, softness, delicacy
njih of them (genitive plural of (on, ȏn, he))
њих of them (genitive plural of (он, о̑н, he))
njihov their
njim (with) him (instrumental singular of {{i|on|ȏ ...
њим (with) him (instrumental singular of {{i|он|о ...
njima to them (dative plural of (on, ȏn, he))
њима to them (dative plural of (он, о̑н, he))
njime (with) him (instrumental singular of {{i|on|ȏ ...
њиме (with) him (instrumental singular of {{i|он|о ...
njiva cultivated or tilled field Croatian
њива cultivated or tilled field
njoj to her (dative singular of (ona, òna, she))
њој to her (dative singular of (она, о̀на, she))
njom (with) her (instrumental singular of {{i|ona| ...
њом (with) her (instrumental singular of {{i|она| ...
njome (with) her (instrumental singular of {{i|ona| ...
њоме (with) her (instrumental singular of {{i|она| ...
nju her (accusative singular of (ona, òna, she))
њу her (accusative singular of (она, о̀на, she))
njuh (uncountable) sense of smell Croatian
њух (uncountable) sense of smell
Njujorčanin New Yorker
Њујорчанин New Yorker
njujorški of or pertaining to New York
њујоршки of or pertaining to New York
njušiti (transitive) to smell, scent Croatian
њушити (transitive) to smell, scent
njuška muzzle, snout Croatian
њушка muzzle, snout