User:That Guy, From That Show!/Sandbox

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Bad headings




These entries have junk after the heading, on the same line!

Note that this usually messes up MediaWiki's section counter, resulting in the wrong section being edited thereafter on any given page. So, for each of these, the (wrong!) offending line number is identified. (Sorry, my linecounter is very broken in this mode.)

> d badhead^wiki5

Fewer false positive on this run. I edited the first half-dozen or so, so far. Only one was a false-positive. I'm not sure if that was corrected in the last ten days, or what. --edit User:Connel MacKenzie|Connel MacKenzie] edit User talk:Connel MacKenzie#|T] edit Special:Contributions/Connel MacKenzie|C] 19:00, 11 April 2006 (UTC)


This information on this page is from the 2006-04-01 database dump so it is not exactly up to date.

Wiktionary talk:Entry layout explained , line 377. adjectival , line 5. Wiktionary talk:Criteria for inclusion , line 91. GUI , line 11. second , line 23. lethean , line 3. World Exposition , line 3. take , line 229. absolute , line 155. User:Nicolas Delahaye/test/en/es/gear , line 15. User:Nicolas Delahaye/test/en/fr/gear , line 15. User:Nicolas Delahaye/edit/en/fr/gear , line 15. User:Nicolas Delahaye/edit/en/es/gear , line 15. quine , line 35. what , line 321. fascism , line 67. ver , line 783. pavement , line 89. itu , line 27. Muslim , line 85. where , line 239. laser , line 99. Hindi , line 217. webster 1913:772 , line 295. photography , line 5. grandiloquent , line 13. omphaloskepsis , line 17. εννέα , line 1. άλογο , line 1. au , line 25. must , line 77. machine translation , line 61. bar , line 471. gone to the dogs , line 29. lofty , line 37. papa , line 45. reliable , line 3. αέτος , line 1. figure , line 241. abandonware , line 23. User talk:Mike , line 487. inside , line 7. rhyme , line 61. byť , line 61. maybe , line 37. procurement , line 3. Wiktionary:Basque index e , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index a , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index b , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index d , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index f , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index g , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index h , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index i , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index j , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index k , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index l , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index m , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index n , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index o , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index p , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index r , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index s , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index t , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index u , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index x , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index y , line 1. Wiktionary:Basque index z , line 1. smart , line 69. President's Daily Briefing , line 5. User talk:Rsvk , line 169. undress , line 63. Okinawa , line 41. by default , line 5. in default , line 5. default on , line 5. aborn , line 13. Maleis , line 3. première , line 19. བོད་ , line 3. தமிழ் நாடு , line 3. தமிழ்நாடு , line 3. Tajiki-Persian , line 3. giant , line 165. nowadays , line 17. কলকাতা , line 3. कोलकाता , line 3. bounce a check , line 3. bounce a cheque , line 3. © , line 13. ລາວ , line 3. domestic , line 51. chase , line 141. résumé , line 79. cumber , line 3. a.m. , line 9. p.m. , line 9. Akkord , line 9. sanitation , line 25. one’s , line 3. garb , line 21. record , line 257. out of the box , line 25. brazen , line 25. prose , line 1. all during , line 5. freeware , line 23. hindî , line 3. महाराष्ट्र , line 3. gee , line 49. @ , line 19. gyratory , line 3. larder , line 1. SOS , line 9. 10-4 , line 5. anonym , line 3. Randan , line 9. alla , line 77. منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية , line 3. all over the board , line 3. אנגלית , line 5. pantocrator , line 7. 평양 , line 3. Battle of Britain , line 3. se taper la cloche , line 3. neither , line 9. electronics , line 35. feck , line 3. shareware , line 35. Maricopa , line 25. chiappanuvoli , line 7. arithmetic , line 17. jihad , line 11. ecstatic , line 13. neglect , line 17. bigger fish to fry , line 11. Judy , line 29. Judith , line 35. facade , line 97. armadillo , line 55. commend , line 11. going to , line 3. User:TheDaveRoss , line 9. Taekwondo , line 1. collude , line 1. User talk:MG , line 19. resume , line 61. zar , line 11. Template:elemento , line 1. carbono , line 45. flúor , line 33. fósforo , line 43. cobre , line 1. resumé , line 25. evade , line 13. Wiktionary talk:Usage notes , line 3. Wiktionary:Policy Think Tank on American or British Spelling/discussion archive , line 7. ENIAC , line 7. Template:es:-ar(realzar) , line 1. asterism , line 5. kakau , line 3. ISO , line 7. Wiktionary:Romanica index s2a , line 5. User talk:--Stranger , line 577. WikiSaurus:bore , line 39. major arcana , line 3. SIDS , line 1. down pat , line 3. tsarist , line 25. User:Uncle G's 'bot/Transwiki log , line 1. eccoci , line 3. eccomi , line 3. eccone , line 3. Shema , line 9. Template talk:finnish index , line 1. Wiktionary:Capeverdean Crioulo index , line 2177. long live , line 3. McCarthyism , line 5. exposition , line 27. chucha , line 1. postcardware , line 23. midbrain , line 1. لول , line 3. fink , line 13. Help:Reader , line 5. User talk:EncycloPetey , line 141. rama , line 19. Miskito , line 11. amon , line 5. ang , line 3. chimerical , line 7. User talk:Anemos , line 75. Wiktionary:Literal and figurative language , line 129. User:Psy guy/Sandbox , line 93. esfumar , line 1. Talk:dord , line 1. User talk:MetallicaRox , line 1. common law , line 1. common-law , line 1. 4-H Club , line 1. quantum unit of spin , line 3. esfero , line 1. generalagent , line 3. oligomenorrhea , line 1. bradoon , line 1. culm , line 13. Wiktionary:Capeverdean Crioulo index/Badiu and ALUPEC or ALUPEK , line 1357. Wiktionary:Vandalism , line 81. зар , line 11.