User:Yair rand/autosync.js

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  if(wgNamespaceNumber == 0 && (wgAction=='edit'||wgAction=='submit') && document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")){
    var editformstartstate = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1").value;
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    $("#editform [type=submit]").click(function(){clickedbutton=this});
      if(editformstartstate.indexOf("-syncforms|") > -1 || document.getElementById("wpTextbox1").value.indexOf("-syncforms|") > -1){
        var rr = /([^=]+)(==\n[\s\S]*?\{\{[^\-\}\|]+-syncforms\|)([^\}]+)\}\}[\s\S]+?(?=(----|\[\[[^\]]+:|$))/g;
        var t = rr.exec(document.getElementById("wpTextbox1").value);rr.exec();
        var g = rr.exec(editformstartstate);
        var th=this;
        for(var x = {}, y = {}, i = 0; t && t[i]; i += 5) {
          y[t[i+1]] = [t[i],t[i+3]]; // y = {langname:[content,entries]}
        if(clickedbutton && ( == "wpPreview" || == "wpDiff")){
          $.each(y, function(d,e){ // d = langname, e = [content, entries]
            var h = $.inArray(d, g);
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              th.action += "&sectionsync"+d+"=true"
            } else {
              delete y[d]
          for(var i = 1, a ="&sectionsync"); a[i]; i++){
            if(!(a[i] in y)){
              th.action += "&sectionsync"+a[i];
        } else {
            var tasks = 0, b = {};
            $.each(y, function(d, e){ // d = language, e = [content,entries]
              var h = $.inArray(d, g);//console.log(e[0])
              if(e[0] != g[h-1] ||"&sectionsync"+d) != -1){
                $.each(e[1].split("|"), function(kk,k){
                  if(k != wgPageName.replace(/\_/g,' ')){
                    b[k] = b[k] || [];
                    b[k].push(d) // reformatting into b={entry:[language1,language2]}
            $.each(b, function(vv,v){
                $.each(v, function(ll,l){
                  var st = text.indexOf(l+"==\n"), end = text.indexOf("----", st); end = end==-1?text.length:end;
                  if(text.length == 0){
                    text = "==" + y[l][0]
                  else if(st == -1){
                    text += "\n----\n\n==" + y[l][0]
                    text = text.substr(0,st) + y[l][0] + text.substr(end)
                save(text, {summary:"autosync from [["+wgPageName+"]]"}, function(){
                    nowsubmit = true;