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Old East Slavic




From Proto-Slavic *vȏrgъ (enemy, foe). Doublet of врагъ (vragŭ).


  • IPA(key): /ˈʋɔrɔɡʊ//ˈʋɔrɔɡʊ//ˈʋɔrɔːɡ/
  • (ca. 9th CE) IPA(key): /ˈʋɔrɔɡʊ/
  • (ca. 11th CE) IPA(key): /ˈʋɔrɔɡʊ/
  • (ca. 13th CE) IPA(key): /ˈʋɔrɔːɡ/
  • Hyphenation: во‧ро‧гъ



ворогъ (vorogŭm

  1. enemy, foe
    • Иоанъ, editor (1076), “ровога”, in Изборник 1076 года [Izbornik of 1076]‎[1], page 477 (239), line -5
      Гл҃аше старьць· ѥсть ѿ ровога простьрто пощениѥ· ибо оученици сего се творѧть· како оубо разоумѣѥмъ бж҃иѥ црсьско пощениѥ· []
      Gl:aše starĭcĭ· jestĭ otŭ rovoga prostĭrto poščenije· ibo učenici sego se tvorętĭ· kako ubo razumějemŭ bž:ije crsĭsko poščenije· []
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • Лаврентеи, editor (1377), “ворогъ”, in Повѣсти времѧньнх лѣ т [Laurentian Codex]‎[2], 11th century, page (leaf) 76, line 5, s.a. 6603 (1095):
      [] се тꙑ не шелъ ѥси с нама на поганꙑꙗ . иже погубили суть землю Русьскую . а се у тобе есть Итларевичь . любо убии любо и даи нама . то есть ворогъ Русьстѣи земли.
      [] se ty ne šelŭ jesi s nama na poganyja . iže pogubili sutĭ zemlju Rusĭskuju . a se u tobe estĭ Itlarevičĭ . ljubo ubii ljubo i dai nama . to estĭ vorogŭ Rusĭstěi zemli.
      [] you did not fight with us against the pagans that destroyed the land of the Rus, while you keep the son of Itlar - either kill him or give him to us, for he is the enemy of Rus.



Derived terms



  • Old Ruthenian: во́рогъ (vóroh)
  • Russian: во́рог (vórog) (poetic)


  • Barkhudarov, S. G., editor (1976), “ворогъ”, in Словарь русского языка XI–XVII вв. [Dictionary of the Russian Language: 11ᵗʰ–17ᵗʰ cc.]‎[3] (in Russian), numbers 3 (володѣнье – вящьшина), Moscow: Nauka, page 32
  • Sreznevsky, Izmail I. (1893) “ворогъ”, in Матеріалы для Словаря древне-русскаго языка по письменнымъ памятникамъ [Materials for the Dictionary of the Old East Slavic Language Based on Written Monuments]‎[4] (in Russian), volumes 1 (А – К), Saint Petersburg: Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, column 302





во́рогъ (vórogm anim (genitive во́рога, nominative plural во́роги, genitive plural во́роговъ)

  1. Pre-1918 spelling of во́рог (vórog).

