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U+26F3, ⛳

Miscellaneous Symbols





A triangular red flag on a flagpole inside of a hole surrounded by the putting green.



  1. (figuratively) Golf.
    • 2015 April 7, Scott Napier, “Tweet”, in Twitter[1]:
      The winner of the Masters is one of these 5 & I'm only gonna back 1.
    • 2021 May 15, Belvoir Park Golf Club, “Tweet”, in Twitter[2]:
      Charlie Cooley great score today gross 62.⛳️
    • 2023 August 10, BBCSport, “Tweet”, in Twitter[3]:
      Watch the best of the action from the opening day of the Women's Open in Walton Heath, Surrey
  2. (cartography) Indicates a public golf course.
    Synonym: 🚩

Further reading
