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According to Veršinin, of possible onomatopoetic origin. He compares Udmurt ворттыны (vorttyny, to carry around), вырыны (vyryny, to move), Tundra Nenets вӑрнӑ-сь (wărnă-sʹ°, to run, scurry [of small animals, birds]).[1]


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ардомс (ardəms)

  1. to go, travel (to move by means other than walking)
    • V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
      ардомс (ехать)
      ardoms (ehať)
      to go, travel (to go, travel [in Russian])
    • Fenno-Ugrica
      (..) озак машинас и артт (..)
      (..) ozak mašinas i artt (..)
      (..) get (lit. "sit") in your car and go(!) (..)



Coordinate terms


Derived terms



  1. ^ Veršinin, V. I. (2004) Этимологический словарь мордовских (эрзянского и мокшанского) языков [Etymological dictionary of Mordvinic (Erzya and Moksha) languages] (in Russian), volume 1, Joškar Ola, page 20