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Mao (surname) chairperson; leader of meeting
simp. and trad.



Proper noun



  1. Chairman Mao (Mao Zedong)
    毛主席紀念堂毛主席纪念堂  ―  Máo Zhǔxí Jìniàntáng  ―  the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall
    • 1989, Cui Jian (lyrics and music), “新長征路上的搖滾 [Rock 'n' Roll on the New Long March]”, in 新長征路上的搖滾 [Rock 'n' Roll on the New Long March], performed by Cui Jian:
      一邊 一邊 領袖毛主席 [MSC, trad.]
      一边 一边 领袖毛主席 [MSC, simp.]
      Yībiān zǒu, Yībiān chàng, Lǐngxiù Máo Zhǔxí [Pinyin]
      I walked / While I shouted out / "Chairman Mao, our leader"