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to flee; to go into exile; to flow away with the water government; government; governmental
trad. (流亡政府) 流亡 政府
simp. #(流亡政府) 流亡 政府






  1. (geopolitics) government in exile
    波蘭流亡政府波兰流亡政府  ―  bōlán liúwángzhèngfǔ  ―  Polish government-in-exile
    納粹德國鐵蹄之下眾多歐洲國家征服英吉利海峽對岸英國成為流亡政府根據地 [MSC, trad.]
    纳粹德国铁蹄之下众多欧洲国家征服英吉利海峡对岸英国成为流亡政府根据地 [MSC, simp.]
    Zài nàcuìdéguó de tiětí zhīxià, zhòngduō ōuzhōu guójiā bèi zhēngfú; ér yīngjílìhǎixiá duì'àn de yīngguó zé chéngwèi le liúwángzhèngfǔ de gēnjùdì. [Pinyin]
    Under the iron heel of Nazi Germany, many European countries were conquered and subjugated. The United Kingdom across the English Channel became the main base of governments in exile.