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  1. The template Template:rfdef does not use the parameter(s):
    2=an assignment given to students to test their ability to apply a small part of the [[subject matter]] while ignoring the wider context it belongs to?
    Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.
    This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.
    • 1997, Skrivehåndbogen, Gyldendal Uddannelse, →ISBN, page 350:
      Opgaverne falder inden for et af ministeriet bestemt pensum, der er kendt af lærer og elever. Opgaverne er ikke typeopgaver, men der findes alligevel ensartede metoder til at besvare dem.
      The assignments fall within a syllabus decided by the ministry, which is known to teacher and students. The assignments are not assignments, but nonetheless there exist similar methods for answering them.
    • year unknown, Universitetspædagogik, Samfundslitteratur (→ISBN), page 119:
      De kæmper for at holde trit og retter fokus mod det, som skal til for at bestå eksamen. De løser de typeopgaver, lærerne udleverer, og håber så at komme til at forstå teorien bagved en anden gang.
      [The students] struggle to keep up, and turn their focus towards what is needed to pass the exam. They solve the assignments that the teachers give, and then hope to be able to understand the underlying theory some other time.
    • 1998, Matematik i læreruddannelse : teori og praksis : en fagdidatik, Gyldendal Uddannelse, →ISBN, page 352:
      Den gode nyhed var selvfølgelig, at eleverne (altså de, der ikke var faldet fra undervejs i mellemskolen) gennemgående klarede sig så godt til en eksamen af sværhedsgrad som den fra 1940. Men Torsting mistænkte lærerne for at træne eleverne i at regne typeopgaver svarende til de for gennemskuelige eksamensfordringer - uden at de fik tilsvarende egentlig forståelse og virkelig kundskab.
      The good news, of course, was that the students (that is, the ones that hadn't dropped out during mellemskole) generally did so well at an exam of difficulty like the one from 1940. But Torsting suspected the teachers of training the students in computing assignments corresponding to the too-transparent exam criteria - without the students acquiring corresponding actual understanding and real knowledge.

