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From сит (sit) + -ис (-is).



ситис (sitis)

  1. (with abl.) to avenge oneself (for)
    Synonym: өһөө (öhöö, to get revenge)
    өстөөхтөн ситисöstööqtön sitisto take revenge on the enemy
  2. to cope with (work, studies, etc.)
    See synonyms at тулуй (tuluy).
    Antonym: салт (salt, to be tired of)
  3. (transitive) to succeed at, to achieve
    Synonym: сит (sit)
    итинэн тугу ситистиҥ?itinen tugu sitistiñ?what have you achieved by this?
    кыайыыны ситисkıayıını sitisto achieve victory
    санааны ситисsanaanı sitisto achieve a goal

Derived terms
