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शृङ्गार (śṛṅgāra) stemm

  1. love (as ‘the horned’ or ‘the strong one’ ?), sexual passion or desire or enjoyment Kāv. Rājat. &c.
  2. (rhetoric) the erotic sentiment (one of the 8 or 10 रसs q.v. ; it has विष्णु for its tutelary deity and black for its colour ; accord. to most authorities it is of two kinds, viz. सम्भोग, ‘mutual enjoyment’, and विप्रलम्भ, ‘deception, disappointment’, to which by some is added as third अयोग, ‘separation’) Bhar. Daṡar. Sāh. &c.
  3. a dress suitable for amorous purposes, elegant dress, fine garments, finery Kāv. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.
  4. the ornaments on an elephant (esp. red marks on its head and trunk) L. (cf. -धारिन्)



