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Etymology: Tocharian, cipa etc.


@Useigor - would you like to work with me on the etymology of this noun and cipa, which I claim to be related?

My personal wikicontext - just today I saw I have been challenged about it in plwiki here, so I have come up with this, but then I have noted that some Polish dictionary makers claim fanciful derivations of cipa.

Let us thus add one day: ... related to kwīpe[1] etc.

Zezen (talk)

>Kuś umarł, kpy w sieroctwie. ― Someone died, vulvas in maternal deprivation it's 'dick died', line comes from the XVIIth century poem about how penis died and all women mourn it.

  1. ^
    2021 July 20 (last accessed), 8892552, “Tocharian Studies_Blazek”, in Issuu[1]: