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PTG « 16th c. 17th c. » LG
TPW « 18th c. 19th c. » YRL
LG « 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.





Note: Wikitionary uses the ISO code tpw from this language, despite it being labbeled as Língua Geral in other places.


The following languages are sometimes considered synonyms or confused with Old Tupi:

  • Tupinambá: dialect of Old Tupi spoken by the majority of the population at the time. One of the two known dialects of Old Tupi, the other being São Vicente's dialect.
  • Guaraní: considered the same language up to the 20th century, when Old Tupi's lexicon was rediscovered. Now considered a sister language of Old Tupi as both are descendants of Proto-Tupi-Guarani.

The following languages are descendants of Old Tupi:

  • Língua Geral Paulista, or Língua Geral Meridional.
  • Língua Geral Amazônica, or Língua Geral Setentrional.



Entry name


Pluriform lemma


The base form of the lemma without any afixes, is used, despite it being a noun, adjective or postposition.

Tupi Colors


Color table I was working on for Old Tupi. Have no idea how one says "color", though...

Colors in Old Tupi · [Term?] (layout · text)
     tinga      pytanga      una
             piranga              tingaíba; arã-kûaba              îuba
             [Term?]                           oby
                          oby              pytanga

Tupi Pronouns

Old Tupi personal pronouns
Person Number Nominative
Possessive Dative Objective
Subject 1st class 2nd class Nonreflexive Reflexive 1st class 2nd class
Singular 1st ixé xe ixébe xebe
2nd îepé endé nde endébe ndebe oro-
3rd a'e i o i xuí
Plural 1st exc oré orébe
1st inc îandé îandébe
2nd peîepé peẽ pe peẽme peme opo-
3rd a'e i o i xuí
Indefinite asé asébe

Tupi Verbs

Old Tupi intransitive verb conjugation
Singular Plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person exclusive 1st person inclusive 2nd person 3rd person
Indicative a- ere- o- oro- îa- pe- o-
Permissive t'a- t'ere- t'o- t'oro- t'îa- ta pe- t'o-
Imperative e- pe-
Gerund¹ guî- e- o- oro- îa- pe- o-
¹-abo in verbs ending on a vowel; -a in verbs ending on a consonant; -pa in verbs ending on B

Solar Sistem - (neologism) kûarasyekó/kûarasytyba








Navarro (2013)

(Latin-script letters) kûatiara; A a (Á á, àã), B b, E e (É é,  ), G g, H h, I i (Í í, Ĩ ĩ), Πî, K k, M m, Mb mb, N n, Nd nd, Ng ng, Nh nh, O o (Ó ó, Õ õ), P p, R r, S s, T t, U u (Ú ú, Ũ ũ), Û û, X x, Y y ( ), Ŷ ŷ, '

Appendix: Old Tupi pronunciation


In progress

See w:Tupi language.

IPA Representation Example Simmilar to
ʔ '[n 1] mba'e (thing) (ʔ)uh-(ʔ)oh
β̞ b abá (man) Spanish huevo
ɣ g ygara (canoe) Icelandic saga
ɡʷ[n 2] ará (scarlet ibis) guano
h h hh (yes) house
ʒ î[n 3] îagûara (jaguar) vision
k k ka'a (forest) cat
kʷ arasy (sun) quantic
m m mokaba (gun) medic
ᵐb mb mboîa (snake)
n n nambi (ear) nugget
ⁿd nd nde (you)
ŋ ng nhe'eng (to speak) sing
ɲ nh kunhã (woman) Spanish jalapeño
p p pó (hand) pot
pʷ era (old) pueblo
ɾ r gûariba (howler monkey) better (AusE)
s s[n 4] îasy (moon) saturday
t t tatu (armadillo) tower
ʃ x ixé (I) shock
j î sabîá (thrush) yes
w û apûã (pointy) watch
ɨ̯ ŷ apŷaba (man)
a a arara (macaw) hat (RP)
ɛ e sykyîé (fear) bet
i i ãia (tooth) free
ɔ o só (to go) not (RP)
u u gûasu (big) boot
ɨ y 'y (fruit) Russian быть (by)
ã ã marã (evil) French croissant
a[n 5] maraka (mini-macaw)
ɛ̃ nha' (plate) French brin
e[n 5] nhe'enga (language)
ĩ ĩ mirĩ (small) Portuguese assim
i[n 5] tinga (white)
ɔ̃ õ mokõi (two) French son
o[n 5] komixã (grumichama)
ũ ũ apekũ (tongue) Portuguese um
u[n 5] una (black)
ɨ̃ amîa (grandfather) Japanese (くん, ​kun)
y[n 5] aroane'ym (unproperly)
´ Primary stress
~ Nasalisation
^ Semivowel


  1. ^ USP's FFLCH uses a simple apostrophe (') in all its Old Tupi texts. The same is true to all of Navarro's works, including his dictionary and his course. Other languages that have the glottal stop, namely Guaraní, prefer to use the modifier letter apostrophe (ʼ) instead.
  2. ^ Some schoolars disagree this sound existed in Tupi, saying it came from a misundertanding of the Europeans at the time and that w was used in all cases.
  3. ^ At the beginning of a silabe, when no nasal phoneme is present on the same word.
  4. ^ Carvalho (1987) uses ç.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 When preceding M, N or next to a nasal vowel.





Tupi Verbs


definitivo talvez


baseado nas tabelas em portugues e guarani

arrumo as cores depois

  • {{tpw-conj vi}} - intransitivo
  • {{tpw-conj vt}} - transitivo
  • {{tpw-conj irreg}} - irregular; esse tem que ver um por um q eles sao um pouco loucos

{tpw-conj vt
|{{{tema}}} - sem a ultima letra (ainda pensando num jeito melhor, mas sem Lua fica difícil)
|inicial=+ - se o verbo começar com i/î; remove o -î- pra não ficar duplicado
|mono=+ - troca o -î- por -îo-
|final=a, e, o ... - ultima letra do verbo vai aq em vez do tema; pra terminação do gerúndio, circunstacial e negativo

Tupi Verbs2


1st class regular intransitive

Old Tupi 1st class regular intransitive verb conjugation
Singular Plural
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
1st person exclusive
1st person inclusive
2nd person
Indicative Affirmative akaru erekaru okaru orokaru îakaru pekaru
Negative nakaruî nerekaruî nokaruî norokaruî nîakaruî ne pekaruî
Imperative ekaru pekaru
Permissive takaru terekaru tokaru torokaru tîakaru ta pekaru
Infinitive karu

1st class regular transitive

Old Tupi 1st class regular transitive verb conjugation
Singular Plural
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
1st person exclusive
1st person inclusive
2nd person
Indicative moka'ẽ ereîmoka'ẽ moka'ẽ oroîmoka'ẽ îaîmoka'ẽ peîmoka'ẽ
Negative indicative naîmoka'ẽî nereîmoka'ẽî noîmoka'ẽî noroîmoka'ẽî nîaîmoka'ẽî ne peîmoka'ẽî
Imperative moka'ẽ peîmoka'ẽ
Permissive taîmoka'ẽ tereîmoka'ẽ toîmoka'ẽ toroîmoka'ẽ tîaîmoka'ẽ ta peîmoka'ẽ
Infinitive moka'ẽ

1st class irregular

Old Tupi 1st class irregular verb conjugation
Singular Plural
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
1st person exclusive
1st person inclusive
2nd person
Indicative aîur ereîur our oroîur îaîur peîur
Negative indicative naîuri nereîuri nouri noroîuri nîaîuri ne peîuri
Imperative eîori peîori
Permissive taîur tereîur tour toroîur tîaîur ta peîur
Infinitive ura

1st class pluriform

Old Tupi 1st class pluriform verb conjugation
Singular Plural
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
1st person exclusive
1st person inclusive
2nd person
Indicative asaûsub eresaûsub osaûsub orosaûsub îasaûsub pesaûsub
Negative indicative nasaûsubi neresaûsubi nosaûsubi norosaûsubi nîasaûsubi ne pesaûsubi
Imperative esaûsub pesaûsub
Permissive tasaûsub teresaûsub tosaûsub torosaûsub tîasaûsub ta pesaûsub
Infinitive aûsuba

2nd class verb

Old Tupi 2nd class verb conjugation
Singular Plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person exclusive 1st person inclusive 2nd person
Indicative xe ma'enduar nde ma'enduar i ma'enduar oré ma'enduar îandé ma'enduar pe ma'enduar
Negative indicative na xe ma'enduari na de ma'enduari ni ma'enduari noré ma'enduari nîandé ma'enduari na pe ma'enduari
Imperative nde ma'enduar pe ma'enduar
Permissive ta xe ma'enduar ta nde ma'enduar ti ma'enduar toré ma'enduar tîandé ma'enduar ta pe ma'enduar
Infinitive ma'enduara

Old Tupi Correlatives

Type Demonstrative Interrogative
Visible Nonvisible
Proximal Medial Distal Proximal Medial Distal
Basic ang, ebokûeî, ûĩ kûeî ang aîpó a'e, aîpó, akó, akûeî abápe, marãpe, mba'epe
Quantity mbobype
Manner a'e îá marãpe
Reason marãnamope, marãpe, mba'e resépe
Place iké, ûĩme aîpope a'epe, akoamõ, akûeîpe mamõpe, umãpe, umãmepe
Source iké suí abá suípe, mba'e suípe, mamõ suípe
Destination a'epe abá supépe, mamõpe
Time akoraka'e
Possession abá mba'epe

Old Tupi Postpositions

Direction supé
Place pe, pupé
Destination pe
Origin suí
Cause resé, ri, suí
Instrumental pupé
Time (r)iré

