a furia di

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Literally, at fury of.

Prepositional phrase


a furia di

  1. by doing repeatedly or insistingly
    Synonym: a forza di
    gli fecero scender le scale a furia di calci
    they kicked him down the stairs
    (literally, “they made him go down the stairs by repeated kicks”)
    • 2020 September 27, Federico Rampini, “Stati Uniti, affondi, invettive, colpi da ko: così Trump e Biden preparano il duello tv che vale l'elezione [United States, attacks, invective, knockout blows: this is how Trump and Biden are preparing the TV duel that is worth the election]”, in la Repubblica[1]:
      «È come Goebbels, pensa che a furia di ripetere una bugia, diventa senso comune. Non sa nulla di politica estera, ha sbagliato sull'economia, è un presidente fallito».
      "He is like Goebbels, he thinks that by insistingly repeating a lie, it becomes common sense. He does not know anything about foreign policy, he was wrong about the economy, he is a failed president".