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good; well; be fond of
to cross; to go over; (experienced action marker)
to cross; to go over; (experienced action marker); to pass; to celebrate; to live; to get along; excessively; too-
trad. (好過)
simp. (好过)






  1. well-off and comfortable
  2. feeling comfortable; feeling good
  3. (Cantonese, used after a predicate) Used to indicate something is better and one might as well do it.
    原來電話不如好過 [Cantonese, trad.]
    原来电话不如好过 [Cantonese, simp.]
    jyun4 loi4 zing2 bou6 din6 waa6-2 jiu3 gam3 gwai3, gam2 ngo5 bat1 jyu4 heoi3 maai5 gwo3 bou6 san1 gei1 hou2 gwo3. [Jyutping]
    Apparently it is that expensive to fix my phone. I might as well buy a new one.