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tune; song; bent
tune; song; bent; crooked; wrong
to dash; to move forward quickly change one's residence fuel; salary
trad. (曲突徙薪)
simp. #(曲突徙薪)
Literally: “to bend the chimney and move the firewood away from it”.



From a story in Biography of Huo Guang and Jin Midi霍光金日磾傳), Book of Han:

主人主人火患主人嘿然俄而失火鄰里於是鄰人主人:「鄉使火患曲突徙薪恩澤焦頭爛額上客?」主人 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
主人主人火患主人嘿然俄而失火邻里于是邻人主人:「乡使火患曲突徙薪恩泽焦头烂额上客?」主人 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Book of Han, circa 1st century CE
Chén wén kè yǒu guò zhǔrén zhě, jiàn qí zào zhí tū, bàng yǒu jī xīn. Kè wèi zhǔrén, gēng wéi qū tū, yuǎn xǐ qí xīn, bù zhě qiě yǒu huǒhuàn. Zhǔrén mòrán bù yìng. É'ér jiā guǒ shīhuǒ, línlǐ gòng jiù zhī, xìng ér dé xī. Yúshì shā niú zhì jiǔ, xiè qí línrén, zhuó làn zhě zài yú shàng háng, yú gè yǐ gōng cì zuò, ér bù lù yán qū tū zhě. Rén wèi zhǔrén yuē: “Xiàngshǐ tīng kè zhī yán, bù fèi niú jiǔ, zhōng wáng huǒhuàn. Jīn lùn gōng ér qǐng bīn, qūtūxǐxīn wáng ēnzé, jiāotóulàn'é wèi shàngkè yē?” Zhǔrén nǎi wù ér qǐng zhī. [Pinyin]
I heard that there was once a guest visiting a homeowner, and he observed that his stove was equipped with a straight chimney, and there was firewood piled up next to it. The guest told the owner, "Replace your chimney with a crooked one and move the firewood far away from it. Otherwise, there will be fire risk." But the owner ignored him. Soon his house was really on fire, and his neighbours went to put out fire together. Fortunately, they were able to put it out. The homeowner then slaughtered cows and prepared wine to thank his neighbours. Those who were burnt were arranged to sit at the front, and the others sat according to their contributions. However, he did not invite the person that told him to modify the chimney. Someone then said to him, "If you had listened to what your guest said, you would have eliminated fire without beef and wine. Now you are inviting people according to their contributions, then how can you forget the mercy of the person that told you to replace the chimney with a crooked one and move firewood away, but let those people got burnt seriously be the important guests?" The homeowner realized that and invited him.






  1. to take preventive measures; to take precautions (to prevent trouble from happening)