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This module creates a list with automatically balanced columns. It should not be used directly in entries, but in templates such as {{col2}} or {{col3}}. List entries are given as parameters to the template.


  • {{#invoke:columns|display|sort=1|collapse=1|columns=3}} -> {{col3|en|z|y|x|w|v|u|t}}
  • {{#invoke:columns|display|sort=1|collapse=1|columns=2}} -> {{col2|nl|a|b|c|d|e|f|g}}



export.create_list {
	column_count = number,
	content = list, alphabetize = boolean,
	background_color = string, collapse = boolean,
	toggle_category = string,
	class = string, lang = language_object,
A list of terms: { "term1", "term2", "term3", ... }.
The language of the terms in the list. (Must be a language object from Module:languages.)
If true, table will be collapsed if it has enough items.
Number of columns in the table. Defaults to 1.
Toggle sorting of the entries in the table. Defaults to false.
Determines the text for the "Show <toggle_category>" or "Hide <toggle category>" button in the "visibility" part of the toolbar. The default is "derived terms".
HTML class to add to the div tag that contains the list. Defaults to derivedterms.
A HTML color value for the list.


The old name for the main function. It is now just a wrapper for create_list.


The template-invokable function.

local export = {}

local html = mw.html.create
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_languages = require("Module:languages")
local m_str_utils = require("Module:string utilities")
local parse_utilities_module = "Module:parse utilities"

local split = m_str_utils.split
local u = m_str_utils.char

local function format_list_items(list, args)
	local function term_already_linked(term)
		-- FIXME: "<span" is an ugly hack to prevent double-linking of terms already run through {{l|...}}:
		-- [[Thread:User talk:CodeCat/MewBot adding lang to column templates]]
		return term:find("<span")
	for _, item in ipairs(args.content) do
		if item == false then
			-- omitted item; do nothing
			if type(item) == "table" then
				item = term_already_linked(item.term) and item.term or
					m_links.full_link(item, nil, nil, "show qualifiers")
			elseif args.lang and not term_already_linked(item) then
				item = m_links.full_link {lang = args.lang, term = item, sc =} 
			list = list:node(html("li")

	return list

local function make_sortbase(item)
	if item == false then
		return "*" -- doesn't matter, will be omitted in format_list_items()
	elseif type(item) == "table" then
		return item.alt or item.term
	return item

function export.create_list(args)
	-- Fields in args that are used:
	-- args.column_count, args.content, args.alphabetize, args.background_color,
	-- args.collapse, args.toggle_category, args.class, args.lang
	-- Check for required fields?
	if type(args) ~= "table" then
		error("expected table, got " .. type(args))

	local class = args.class or "derivedterms"
	local column_count = args.column_count or 1
	local toggle_category = args.toggle_category or "derived terms"
	local header = args.header

	if header and args.format_header then
		header = html("div")

	if args.alphabetize then
		require("Module:collation").sort(args.content, args.lang, make_sortbase)

	local list = html("ul")
	list = format_list_items(list, args)

	local output = html("div")
		:attr("data-column-count", column_count)
		:css("background-color", args.background_color)

	if args.collapse then
		local nbsp = u(0xA0)
		output = html("div")
			:attr("data-toggle-category", toggle_category)
				:attr("data-showtext", nbsp .. "show more ▼" .. nbsp)
				:attr("data-hidetext", nbsp .. "show less ▲" .. nbsp)
				:css("display", "none")

	return tostring(header or "") .. tostring(output)

-- This function is for compatibility with earlier version of [[Module:columns]]
-- (now found in [[Module:columns/old]]).
function export.create_table(...)
	-- Earlier arguments to create_table:
	-- n_columns, content, alphabetize, bg, collapse, class, title, column_width, line_start, lang
	local args = {}
	args.column_count, args.content, args.alphabetize, args.background_color,
		args.collapse, args.class, args.header, args.column_width,
		args.line_start, args.lang = ...

	args.format_header = true

	return export.create_list(args)

local param_mods = {
	t = {
		-- We need to store the <t:...> inline modifier into the "gloss" key of the parsed part, because that is what
		-- [[Module:links]] expects.
		item_dest = "gloss",
	gloss = {},
	tr = {},
	ts = {},
	g = {
		-- We need to store the <g:...> inline modifier into the "genders" key of the parsed part, because that is what
		-- [[Module:links]] expects.
		item_dest = "genders",
		convert = function(arg, parse_err)
			return split(arg, ",", true)
	id = {},
	alt = {},
	q = {},
	qq = {},
	lit = {},
	pos = {},
	sc = {
		convert = function(arg, parse_err)
			return require("Module:scripts").getByCode(arg, parse_err)

local function parse_term_with_modifiers(paramname, val, lang, sc, lang_cache)
	local function generate_obj(term, parse_err)
		local obj = {}
		if term:find(":") then
			local actual_term, termlangs = require(parse_utilities_module).parse_term_with_lang {
				term = term,
				parse_err = parse_err,
				paramname = paramname,
				allow_multiple = true,
				allow_bad = true,
				lang_cache = lang_cache,
			obj.term = actual_term
			obj.termlangs = termlangs
			obj.lang = termlangs and termlangs[1] or nil
			obj.term = term
		return obj

	local termobj
	-- Check for inline modifier, e.g. מרים<tr:Miryem>. But exclude HTML entry with <span ...>, <i ...>, <br/> or
	-- similar in it, caused by wrapping an argument in {{l|...}}, {{m|...}} or similar. Basically, all tags of
	-- the sort we parse here should consist of a less-than sign, plus letters, plus a colon, e.g. <tr:...>, so if
	-- we see a tag on the outer level that isn't in this format, we don't try to parse it. The restriction to the
	-- outer level is to allow generated HTML inside of e.g. qualifier tags, such as foo<q:similar to {{m|fr|bar}}>.
	if val:find("<") and not val:find("^[^<]*<[a-z]*[^a-z:]") then
		termobj = require(parse_utilities_module).parse_inline_modifiers(val, {
			paramname = paramname,
			param_mods = param_mods,
			generate_obj = generate_obj,
		termobj = generate_obj(val)
	-- Set these after parsing inline modifiers, not in generate_obj(), otherwise we'll get an error in
	-- parse_inline_modifiers() if we try to use <lang:...> or <sc:...> as inline modifiers.
	termobj.lang = termobj.lang or lang = or sc
	return termobj

function export.display_from(frame_args, parent_args, frame)
	local iparams = {
		["class"] = {},
		-- Default for auto-collapse. Overridable by template |collapse= param.
		["collapse"] = {type = "boolean"},
		-- If specified, this specifies the number of columns, and no columns
		-- parameter is available on the template. Otherwise, the columns
		-- parameter is the first available numbered param after the language-code
		-- parameter.
		["columns"] = {type = "number"},
		-- If specified, this specifies the language code, and no language-code
		-- parameter is available on the template. Otherwise, the language-code
		-- parameter can be specified as either |lang= or |1=.
		["lang"] = {},
		-- Default for auto-sort. Overridable by template |sort= param.
		["sort"] = {type = "boolean"},
		-- The following is accepted but currently ignored, per an extended discussion in
		-- [[Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2018/November#Titles of morphological relations templates]].
		["title"] = {default = ""},
		["toggle_category"] = {},

	local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame_args, iparams, nil, "columns", "display_from")

	local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
	local lang_param = compat and "lang" or 1
	local columns_param, first_content_param

	-- New-style #columns specification is through parameter n= so we can transition to the situation where
	-- omitting it results in auto-determination. Old-style #columns specification is through the first numbered
	-- parameter after the lang parameter.
	if parent_args["n"] then
		columns_param = "n"
		first_content_param = compat and 1 or 2
		columns_param = compat and 1 or 2
		first_content_param = columns_param + (iargs["columns"] and 0 or 1)
	local deprecated

	local params = {
		[lang_param] = not iargs["lang"] and {required = true, default = "und"} or nil,
		[columns_param] = not iargs["columns"] and {required = true, default = 2} or nil,
		[first_content_param] = {list = true},

		["title"] = {},
		["collapse"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["sort"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["sc"] = {},
		["omit"] = {list = true}, -- used when calling from [[Module:saurus]] so the page displaying the synonyms/antonyms doesn't occur in the list

	if lang_param == "lang" then
		deprecated = true

	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params, nil, "columns", "display_from")

	local langcode = iargs["lang"] or args[lang_param]
	local lang = m_languages.getByCode(langcode, lang_param)

	local sc = args["sc"] and require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc, "sc") or nil

	local sort = iargs["sort"]
	if args["sort"] ~= nil then
		sort = args["sort"]
	local collapse = iargs["collapse"]
	if args["collapse"] ~= nil then
		collapse = args["collapse"]
	local lang_cache = {
		[langcode] = lang
	for i, item in ipairs(args[first_content_param]) do
		local termobj = parse_term_with_modifiers(first_content_param + i - 1, item, lang, sc, lang_cache)
		-- If a separate language code was given for the term, display the language name as a right qualifier.
		-- Otherwise it may not be obvious that the term is in a separate language (e.g. if the main language is 'zh'
		-- and the term language is a Chinese lect such as Min Nan). But don't do this for Translingual terms, which
		-- are often added to the list of English and other-language terms.
		if termobj.termlangs then
			local qqs = {}
			for _, termlang in ipairs(termobj.termlangs) do
				local termlangcode = termlang:getCode()
				if termlanglangcode ~= langcode and termlangcode ~= "mul" then
					table.insert(qqs, termlang:getCanonicalName())
				table.insert(qqs, termobj.qq)
			termobj.qq = qqs

		local omitted = false
		for _, omitted_item in ipairs(args.omit) do
			if omitted_item == termobj.term then
				omitted = true
		if omitted then
			-- signal create_list() to omit this item
			args[first_content_param][i] = false
			args[first_content_param][i] = termobj

	local ret = export.create_list { column_count = iargs["columns"] or args[columns_param],
		content = args[first_content_param],
		alphabetize = sort,
		header = args["title"], background_color = "#F8F8FF",
		collapse = collapse,
		toggle_category = iargs["toggle_category"],
		class = iargs["class"], lang = lang, sc = sc, format_header = true }

	return deprecated and frame:expandTemplate{title = "check deprecated lang param usage", args = {ret, lang = args[lang_param]}} or ret

function export.display(frame)
	return export.display_from(frame.args, frame:getParent().args, frame)

return export