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local decl = {}

decl['a'] = {
    m = {{'ော'}, {'ာ'}, {'ံ'}, {'ေ'},
         {'ေန'}, {'ေဟိ', 'ေဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'ာယ', 'တ္ထံ'}, {'ာနံ'},
         {'သ္မာ', 'မှာ', 'ာ'}, {'ေဟိ', 'ေဘိ'}, {'ဿ'}, {'ာနံ'},
         {'သ္မိံ', 'မှိ', 'ေ'}, {'ေသု'}, {''}, {'ာ'}},
    n = {{'ံ'}, {'ာနိ'}, {'ံ'}, {'ာနိ'},
         {'ေန'}, {'ေဟိ', 'ေဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'ာယ', 'တ္ထံ'}, {'ာနံ'},
         {'သ္မာ', 'မှာ', 'ာ'}, {'ေဟိ', 'ေဘိ'}, {'ဿ'}, {'ာနံ'},
         {'သ္မိံ', 'မှိ', 'ေ'}, {'ေသု'}, {''}, {'ာနိ'}},

decl['ā'] = {
    f = {{''}, {'ယော', ''}, {'⌫ံ'}, {'ယော', ''},
         {'ယ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'ယ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'ယ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'ယ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'ယ', 'ယံ'}, {'သု'}, {'⌫ေ'}, {'ယော', ''}},
    m = {{''}, {''}, {'⌫ံ'}, {'နေ'},
         {'⌫ေန'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ဿ', 'ယ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫သ္မာ', '⌫မှာ', ''}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ဿ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫သ္မိံ', '⌫မှိ', '⌫ေ'}, {'သု'}, {'⌫'}, {''}},
decl['aa'] = decl['ā']

decl['i'] = {
    m = {{''}, {'⌫ယော', '⌫ီ'}, {'ံ'}, {'⌫ယော', '⌫ီ'},
         {'နာ'}, {'⌫ီဟိ', '⌫ီဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ီနံ'},
         {'သ္မာ', 'မှာ'}, {'⌫ီဟိ', '⌫ီဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ီနံ'},
         {'သ္မိံ', 'မှိ'}, {'⌫ီသု'}, {''}, {'⌫ယော', '⌫ီ'}},
    n = {{''}, {'⌫ီနိ', '⌫ီ'}, {'ံ'}, {'⌫ီနိ', '⌫ီ'},
         {'နာ'}, {'⌫ီဟိ', '⌫ီဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ီနံ'},
         {'သ္မာ', 'မှာ'}, {'⌫ီဟိ', '⌫ီဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ီနံ'},
         {'သ္မိံ', 'မှိ'}, {'⌫ီသု'}, {''}, {'⌫ီနိ', '⌫ီ'}},
    f = {{''}, {'ယော', '⌫ီ'}, {'ံ'}, {'ယော', '⌫ီ'},
         {'ယာ'}, {'⌫ီဟိ', '⌫ီဘိ'}, {'ယာ'}, {'⌫ီနံ'},
         {'ယာ', '⌫္ယာ'}, {'⌫ီဟိ', '⌫ီဘိ'}, {'ယာ'}, {'⌫ီနံ'},
         {'ယာ', 'ယံ', '⌫္ယံ'}, {'⌫ီသု'}, {''}, {'ယော', '⌫ီ'}},

decl['ī'] = {
    m = {{''}, {'⌫ိနော', ''}, {'⌫ိံ', '⌫ိနံ'}, {'⌫ိနော', ''},
         {'⌫ိနာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ိဿ', '⌫ိနော'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ိသ္မာ', '⌫ိမှာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ိဿ', '⌫ိနော'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ိသ္မိံ', '⌫ိမှိ'}, {'သု'}, {'⌫ိ'}, {'⌫ိနော', ''}},
    f = {{''}, {'⌫ိယော', ''}, {'⌫ိံ', '⌫ိယံ'}, {'⌫ိယော', ''},
         {'⌫ိယာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ိယာ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ိယာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ိယာ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ိယာ', '⌫ိယံ'}, {'သု'}, {'⌫ိ'}, {'⌫ိယော', ''}},
decl['ii'] = decl['ī']

decl['u'] = {
    m = {{''}, {'⌫ဝေါ', '⌫ူ'}, {'ံ'}, {'⌫ဝေါ', '⌫ူ'},
         {'နာ'}, {'⌫ူဟိ', '⌫ူဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ူနံ'},
         {'သ္မာ', 'မှာ'}, {'⌫ူဟိ', '⌫ူဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ူနံ'},
         {'သ္မိံ', 'မှိ'}, {'⌫ူသု'}, {''}, {'⌫ဝေ', '⌫ဝေါ'}},
    n = {{''}, {'⌫ူနိ', '⌫ူ'}, {'ံ'}, {'⌫ူနိ', '⌫ူ'},
         {'နာ'}, {'⌫ူဟိ', '⌫ူဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ူနံ'},
         {'သ္မာ', 'မှာ'}, {'⌫ူဟိ', '⌫ူဘိ'}, {'ဿ', 'နော'}, {'⌫ူနံ'},
         {'သ္မိံ', 'မှိ'}, {'⌫ူသု'}, {''}, {'⌫ူနိ', '⌫ူ'}},
    f = {{''}, {'ယော', '⌫ူ'}, {'ံ'}, {'ယော', '⌫ူ'},
         {'ယာ'}, {'⌫ူဟိ', '⌫ူဘိ'}, {'ယာ'}, {'⌫ူနံ'},
         {'ယာ'}, {'⌫ူဟိ', '⌫ူဘိ'}, {'ယာ'}, {'⌫ူနံ'},
         {'ယာ', 'ယံ'}, {'⌫ူသု'}, {''}, {'ယော', '⌫ူ'}},

decl['ū'] = {
    m = {{''}, {'⌫ုနော', ''}, {'⌫ုံ'}, {'⌫ုနော', ''},
         {'⌫ုနာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ုဿ', '⌫ုနော'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ုသ္မာ', '⌫ုမှာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ုဿ', '⌫ုနော'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ုသ္မိံ', '⌫ုမှိ'}, {'သု'}, {'⌫ု'}, {'⌫ုနော', ''}},
    f = {{''}, {'⌫ုယော', ''}, {'⌫ုံ'}, {'⌫ုယော', ''},
         {'⌫ုယာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ုယာ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ုယာ'}, {'ဟိ', 'ဘိ'}, {'⌫ုယာ'}, {'နံ'},
         {'⌫ုယာ', '⌫ုယံ'}, {'သု'}, {'⌫ု'}, {'⌫ုယော', ''}},
decl['uu'] = decl['ū']

return decl