what has someone done

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what has someone done

  1. A method of drawing attention to some changed aspect of a person or thing.
    What have you done to the bathroom? It’s spotless. Thanks!
    What has he done to his hair? I’ve seen bomb sites tidier than that.
  2. An expression of frustration, irritation or displeasure in the face of careless, negligent or reckless behaviour.
    What have you done? You’ve spilt it all over my new shirt!
  3. An expression of cynicism or scepticism; frequently when faced with a recurring pattern of mistakes by another.
    What has she done this time, officer?
    “Please, sir—” / “What have you done now, Perkins?”
  4. An expression of fear that a person has made a terrible mistake, the true extent of which is beyond comprehension.
    Oh god! What have I done? I’ve doomed us all!