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екӏун (jekʷʼun) (transitive)

  1. to arrive
    щэгьагъо ремыхъугъэу шэхьарым текӏугъ - We arrived to city befre ӏunch.
  2. to come up to, to come towards, to approach
    Кӏалэр тхьэматэм екӏугъ еупчӏынэу — The boy came up to the leader to ask him.
    Ныом узы ӏае къекӏугъ — A horrible illness came to the old woman.
  3. to fit
    Кӏалэм джанэр екӏу — The shirt fits the boy.
    Костюмэр сэ къысэкӏурэп, сшӏоин — The suit does not fit me, it's too large for me.
  4. to be appropriate
    ӏофымкӏэ ухъонэныр екӏурэп — Cursing in work is not appropriate.
  5. to be suitable for, to suit
    Кӏалэм унэр екӏурэп — The house is not suitable for the boy.
    Кӏалэм унэр екӏу — The house is suitable for the boy.
    Кӏалэмрэ пшъашъэмрэ зэкӏух — The boy and the girl are suitable for each other.
    Ешъонэ алкохол нысашэм екӏурэп тихабзэ — Drinking alcohol in weddings is not suitable for our traditions.
    Уцышъор машинэм екӏурэп — The color green is not suitable for cars.