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This template creates a reference for quotations from the major sources of Old Irish glosses:

  • The Carlsruhe Glosses on St Augustine’s Soliloquia (abbreviated Acr)
  • The Biblical Glosses in the Book of Armagh (abbreviated Ardm)
  • The Glosses on the Carlsruhe Beda (abbreviated Bcr)
  • The Milan Glosses on the Psalms (abbreviated Ml)
  • The Karlsruhe Glosses on Priscian (abbreviated PCr)
  • The St Gall Glosses on Priscian (abbreviated Sg)
  • The Turin Glosses and Scholia on St Mark (abbreviated Tur)
  • The Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles (abbreviated Wb)

Glosses are conventionally identified by the formula "Ml. 1a2", where "Ml." is the abbreviation for the set of glosses, "1" is the number of the folio on which the gloss is found, "a" is the column of the folio on which the gloss is found (a=left recto, b=right recto, c=left verso, d=right verso), and "2" is the number of the gloss within that column.

This template follows that convention directly: to make a reference to Ml. 1a2, just type:


The only values accepted for the first parameter are Acr, Ardm, Bcr, Ml, PCr, Sg, Tur, and Wb (without periods/full stops after them). The other parameters can contain anything.