User:Burgundaz/Lost Germanic words

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Words logically implied through derived forms, or inferable from comparative evidence.

Regarding abbreviations:

  • GO = Gothic
  • OD = Old Dutch
    • MD = Middle Dutch
  • OE = Old English
    • ME = Middle English
  • OF = Old Frisian
  • OHG = Old High German
    • MHG = Middle High German
  • ON = Old Norse
    • DA = Danish
    • IC = Icelandic
    • NO = Norwegian
    • SW = Swedish
  • OS = Old Saxon
    • MLG = Middle Low German

Regarding asterisks:

  • * = unattested but inferred from existing reflexes
  • ** = unattested with no existing reflexes

Regarding vowel grades/ablaut:

  • e-grade = -ī- (Class 1) -eu-/-ū- (Class 2) -i- (Class 3) -e- (Class 3/4/5) -ē- (Class 7)
  • e²-grade = -a- (Class 6)
  • o-grade = -ai- (Class 1) -au- (Class 2) -a- (Class 3/4/5) -ō- (Class 7)
  • o²-grade = -ē- (Class 4/5) -ō- (Class 6)
  • z-grade = -i- (Class 1) -u- (Class 2/3/4)
  • z²grade = -e- (Class 4/5) -a- (Class 6) -ē- (Class 7)

Reflexes are listed by grade, then alphebet.


  • **hīwaz - adj - "of the household < *ḱéy-wos
    • **hīwą - n - "household, family" (exists in compounds: GO heiwa-; ON hýski; OHG hīwo) (deadjectival a-stem neuter)
  • **rudraz - adj - "red, reddish-colored" < *rudʰ-rós (cf. Ancient Greek erythrós, Latin ruber) (z-grade ra-stem adjective)
    • *rudrijaną - wkv - "to become red, redden" (OE ryderian) (weak class 1 factitive)


  • **buþ/dą - n - "being, creature or body (?)" < *bʰh₂u-tom (cf. Ancient Greek φυτόν)
    • **budagaz - adj - "of a being/body" (inferred from *budagą ("body")) (denominal ga-stem adjective)
  • *fanþs/*fanþaz - m - "path, road" < *pónt-h₁-(o)s (cf. Ancient Greek póntos ("sea"), Latin pontus ("bridge"))
    • *fanþijaną - wkv - "to travel by foot (as down a path)" (OE fēþan) (weak class 1 denominative)
      • *fanþiją - n - "walking on foot" (OE fēþe; OS fāthi)
      • *fanþijô - m - "footman, pedestrian" (OE fēþa; OS fendio; OHG fendo)
      • *fanþijǭ - f - "(female) pedestrian" (OHG fenda)





Class 1

  • *fīhaną - stv - "to be evil, hostile" < *péyK-eti (an alternate reconstruction would be class 7 *faihaną)
    • *faihaz - adj - "evil, hostile" (OE fāh/fāg; OF fāch; MD vee/ge-vee; OHG ge-fēh)
    • *faigiz - adj - "able to be hostile (to)" > "must be killed" (ON feigr; OE fǣġe; OF fach/fai; OS fēg/fēgi; OHG feigi) (o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
  • **hrinaną - stv - "to sift, clean" < *kri-n-e- (zero-grade present) (cf. Latin cernō)
    • *hrainiz - adj - "being clean, pure" (o-grade i-stem gerundive)
  • **rīdaną - stv - "to put in order: to order, arrange" < *h₂réydʰ(h₁)-eti (< *h₂réy-dʰh₁-) (alternatively could be reconstructible as class 7 **raidaną)
    • *raidaz - adj - "arranged, prepared" < *h₂róydʰ-os (GO ga-raiþs; ON greiðr ("clear"); OE ġe-rād; OHG (un-)zi-gi-reit) (o²-grade a-stem barytonic/passive adjective)
    • *raidijaną - wkv - "to make ordered, arranged: to prepare, make ready" < *h₂roydʰ-éyeti (GO ga-raidjan; ON greiða; OE rǣdan) (o²-grade causative)
    • *raidiz - adj - "arrangeable, orderable: ready" < *h₂roydʰ-ís (ON greiðr ("ready"); OE rǣde; OHG gi-reiti) (o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
    • *raidō - f - "ordering, arranging" > "furniture, implements" < *h₂roydʰ-éh₂ (ON reiða; OE rād) (o²-grade ō-stem action)

Class 2


Class 3


Class 4


In the synchronic class 4 verbal paradigm, the productive o-grade was -ē-, while the original o-grade -a- existed alongside but was no longer productive.

  • **felaną - stv - "to offer for sale" < *pél-eti
    • *falaz - adj - "saleable, offered to be sold" (ON falr) (o-grade o-stem adjective)
    • *fēliz - adj - "able to be sold, saleable" (OF fēle; OHG fāli) (cf. with influence from *fēl-, OHG feili < *fail- ("dear, protected")) (o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
  • **feraną - stv - "to cross, travel (across) (water/mountains)", also "to be dangerous, perilous" < *pér-eti
    • *firinō - f - "fault, offence, reproach" < "being crossed, offended") (GO fairina; ON firn (n.); OE firen; OF firne; OS firina; OHG firina) (e-grade ō-stem with -in- suffix)
    • *ferþuz oblique *furdu- - m - "ford, crossing" (ON fjǫrð; OE ford; OS ford; OHG furt) (e-grade tu-stem agentive)
    • *fērą - n - "fear, danger, harm < crossing (water/mountains)") (ON fár; OE fǣr; OS fār; OHG fār) (the OS and OHG meanings "ambush" are further evidence the verb still held both meanings: "to cross" and "to be dangerous") (o²-grade a-stem neuter)
    • *fēriz - adj - "crossing" (OE lang-fǣre; OHG lang-fāri) (o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
    • *farjaną - wkv - "to ferry, carry/move across (water)" (or less likely zero-grade ja-stem to *faraną ("to move, travel")) (o-grade causative)
    • *fērijaną - wkv - "to cause to cross" > "to chase, persecute, frighten" (o²-grade causative)
    • *farjǭ - f - "ferry" (cf. Ancient Greek porthmeĩon, pérama both ("ferry")) (o-grade jōn-stem agentive)
    • *fērō - f - "danger < crossing" (OHG fara), further (GO fērja ("spy, informer" > "one who is crossing")) (o²-grade ō-stem abstract)
    • *furdiz - f - "crossing > meeting" (GO ga-faurds) (zero-grade ti-stem action noun)
  • **selaną - stv - "to be whole, healthy, happy" < *selh₂- ("to be holy, precious, expensive") (cf. Ancient Greek hólos ("whole"); Latin salvus ("safe, secure"); Sanskrit sárva ("whole, all"))
    • *sēliz - adj - "good, happy, blessed" (GO sēls; ON sæll; OE un-sǣle) (o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
      • *sōlizô/*sōlistaz - adj - "better/best" (OE sēlra/sēlest/ost) (apparently the comparative/superlative are in the o-grade? or do they belong to a separate verbal complex **salaną?)
    • *sēlijaną - wkv - "to cause to be happy, healthy, favorable; to bless" (ON sæla; OE sǣlan)
  • **senaną ("to reach, approach, draw near") < *senh₂- ("to reach, obtain") (cf. SA sanóti ("to obtain, gain, acquire; to be successful))
    • *sēną/*sēn/*sēnê - adv - "near, soon" < *sēnaz ("reaching, nearing") (or ("(having) reached > near")) (OE sōna; OF sōn; OHG sān) (o²-grade a-stem adjective)
    • *suniz - adv - "near, soon" < *suniz ("reaching, nearing") (GO suns) (z-grade i-stem verbal adjective)

Class 5

  • **seþaną - stv - "to support, carry, hold(?)" < *set- ("to be stable, straight, upright") (cf. Ancient Greek eteós ("true, genuine" < "right, correct"))
    • *seþlą - n - "seat" (OE seþl; OS sethal; OHG sedal) (< *sét-l̥ or *sét-ōl; not from *sed-tlom which would give **seslą, just as *sed-tos gave *sessaz; a similar unrelated formation is *setlaz ("seat, chair")) (e-grade la-stem instrumental)
    • *sadjō/ǭ or *saddō/ǭ - f - "bowl, vessel" (OHG satta) (o-grade (j)ō(n)-stem agentive?) (possibly)
    • *sadulaz (oblique *sadila-) - m - "saddle" (ON sǫðull; OE sadel/sadol; OS *sedil > MLG sedel; OHG satal/il/ul) (< *sót-l̥ (?); not from *sed-l- which would give **sat-ul-; may also belong to a root *sedʰ- or *seHdʰ-) (o-grade u/i-stem instrumental) (possibly)
    • *sedō/*sedǭ - f - "(wicker) basket; vessel for carrying" (OHG seta) (z²-grade ō(n)-stem agentive?) (possibly)

Class 6


In the synchronic class 6 verbal paradigm, the full-grade was -a-, the o-grade was -ō-, and the zero-grade was -a-, mirroring class 5 -e-/-ē-/-e- (the preterite singular -a- was secondarily introduced by analogy).

This class is mostly made up of o-grade intensives and the zero-grades of roots with a medial laryngeal, C(e)HC- > CHC-.

Until the nature of it is better understood, it should be kept in mind that any of these verbs could possibly have had a yod-present stem with -j- after the initial syllable.

  • **banjaną - stv - "to slay, kill" < *gʷʰón-yeti (the ye-stem suffix is reconstructed to account for the shift *gʷʰ- > *bʰ- which only seems to happen in the environment of closed syllables/syllable boundaries and coronals, eg. *gʷʰód-ye- > *bidjaną)
    • *banô - m - "murderer; murder" (z²-grade an-stem agentive)
    • *banjō - f - "wound" (z²-grade jō-stem agentive)
  • **bataną - stv - "to be happy, pleasant" < *bʰH̥́d-(y)eti
    • **bataz - adj - "good" (attested in the comparative/superlative *batiz(ô) ("better"), *batist(az) ("best")) (e²-grade a-stem adjective)
    • *bōtō - f - "improvement" (o²-grade ō-stem action)
    • *bōtijaną - wkv - "to make good, happy, to better, improve" (o²-grade causative)
  • **brakaną - stv - "to break, split; to shatter, make noise" < *bʰróg-eti
    • *brahtuz - m - "noise" < "loud noise, shattering" (z²-grade tu-stem agentive)
    • *brahtmaz/*brahtumaz - m - "noise" < "loud noise, shattering" (z²-grade tma-stem) (or tu stem with ma-stem extension?)
    • *braką - n - "breaking, bursting, crashing" (ON brak; OE bræc; MLG brak; MHG brach) (z²-grade a-stem deverbal) (OE and MLG could also derive from *brekaną)
    • *brakk/kōną - wkv - "to smash, shatter" (ON braka; OS brakōn; MHG brachen) (z²-grade iterative)
  • **fahaną - stv - "to fasten, fit" < *ph̥́₂ḱ-eti
    • *fōgijaną - wkv - "to join together" () (o²-grade weak class 1 causative)
    • *fōgiz - adj - "able to fit, suitable" () (o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
    • *fōgō - f - "joint, joining" () (o²-grade ō-stem action)
    • *fagraz - "fair, fitting, suitable" () (z²-grade ra-stem adjective)
  • **fataną - stv - "to fall, fall upon; to go, step" < *pód-eti < *ped- ("to fall")
    • *fatą - n - "vat, vessel" < "that which is dropped/poured into(?)" (ON fat; OE fæt; OS fat; OHG faz)
    • *fatjō - f - "load, burden, bundle" (OHG fazza) (probably an o-grade jō-stem derived from *fetaną ("to fall, tumble > impede, be a burden")
    • *fatǭ - f - "jug, pot; vat, cask, barrel" < "what is poured into(?)" (ON fata) (possibly)
    • **fatraz - adj - "falling short, late > hindering, delaying" (inferred by *fatrą ("impediment, delay") (ON fatr)) (if not from *pód-r̥) (z²-grade ra-stem adjective)
    • *fattōną (non-sg. *fat-) - wkv - "to step, go, pace; to fall upon, seize > to take up, carry off, bring" (ON fata; OE fatian; OF fatia; MLG vaten; MD vat(t)en; OHG fazzōn (z²-grade iterative)
  • **hananą - stv - "to sing, call" < *kh̥́₂n-e- (cf. Latin canō ("to sing"))
    • *hōnijǭ - f - "hen < singer") (o²-grade jōn-stem agentive)
    • *hōnaz (obl. *hōniz-) - n - "poultry(?)" (or diachronic full-grade?) (o²-grade z-stem relational)
    • *hanô - m - "singer > rooster" also "grasshopper" (z²-grade an-stem agentive)
    • *hanjō - f - "hen" (probably secondary and only West Germanic) (z²-grade jō-stem agentive)
  • **haþaną - stv - "to be guarded, protected, preserved" < *kh̥́₁t-eti (possibly related to Proto-Celtic *katrixs, and maybe Latin castrum if from *kh̥₁t-(s)-trom)
    • *hōdaz - m - "hat, hood" < "that which is protecting" < *koh₁t-ós (OE hōd; MD hoed; OHG huot)
    • *hōdijaną - wkv - "to cause to be guarded, to protect, preserve" < *koh₁t-éyeti (o²-grade causative-iterative) (OE hēdan) (or **hēþaną below?)
    • *hadinaz - m - "coat, jacket, protective layer of clothing" < *kh̥₁t-én- (ON heðinn; OE heden)
    • **hadraz - adj - "guarded, cautious, anxious") < *kh̥₁t-rós, implied by OE hædre ("anxiously, worriedly"), as well as below (z²-grade ra-stem adjective)
      • *haþrą - n - "prison, confinement" < "what is guarded, protected" < **hadraz, with stress-shift derivation, like *baþą ("bath") from **badaz ("fomented") (OE heaþor)
    • *hattuz - m - "hat" < *kh̥₁t-nús (ON hǫttr; OE hæt; OF hat)
      • *hattijǭ - f - "cowl" (ON hetta)
  • **kwamaną - stv - "to come (to) quickly, arrive swiftly" > "to be pleasant, favorable, grateful" < *gʷóm-eti
    • *kwōmiz - adj - "able to arrive quickly; arriving swiftly" > "pleasant, agreeable, favorable" (ON hug-kœmr; OE cwēme)
  • **lag(j)aną - stv - "to put (down), place; to arrange" < *lógʰ-(y)eti (some forms are hard to separate from *ligjaną ("to lie down") and *lagjaną ("to cause to lie down"))
    • *lagaz - adj - "placed, positioned" (OE ān-laga ("solitary, alone" literally "positioned alone") (weak declension) (e²-grade a-stem adjective)
    • *lagjaz - m - "leg" (ON leggr) (probably "that which is put/placed down", cf. *fōts from PIE *ped- ("to fall (of feet)")) (e²-grade ja-stem masculine)
    • *lōgą - n - "placing, position, stead" < "that which is put down" (ON lóg ("used up" < "put down"); OE lōh/lōg; OF lōch; OHG luog) (o²-grade a-stem neuter)
      • *lōgōną - wkv - "to put down, place, position" (ON lóga; OE lōgian; OF hūs-lōga) (weak class 2 denominative; if not an o²-grade iterative)
    • *lōgaz - adj - "arranged, positioned" (OE fēa-lōg ("destitute" literally "few-placed/positioned") (implying a system/ranking of social stratification?) (o²-grade a-stem adjective)
    • *lōgō - f - "bed; camp, hideout" (OHG luoga) (o²-grade ō-stem abstract)
    • **lōgijaną - wkv - "to cause to put down, rest, be quiet" (might be the source of ON lœgi ("calm, quiet") and lœgir ("sea < the calm (one)")? from *lōgiją and *lōgijaz, respectively) (o²-grade causative-iterative)
    • *lagą - n - "position, placement; law; part" (cf. *dōmaz ("judgement") from *dōną ("to put; to do")) (probably to be separated from *lagą ("layer, lying")) (z²-grade a-stem neuter)
      • *lagōną - wkv - "to put in place, fix" (ON laga; OE lagian; OF lagia) (weak class 2 denominative)
    • *lagô - m - "who is positioned, placed (beside)(?)" (z²-grade an-stem agentive)
      • *fehu-lagô - m - "partner, colleague" (ON fé-lagi; OE feó-laga) (originally either "one positioned with the same wealth" (implying stratification), or "one with whom one shares wealth")
      • *ūta-lagô - m - "outlaw" < "who is put out (of society)" (OE ūt-laga)
    • *lagjaną - wkv - "to put (down), place" (GO lagjan; ON leggja; OE leċġan; OS leggian; OHG leggen) (IF separate originally, merged with *lagjaną ("to lay, cause to lie down"), itself replaced by *lēgijaną ("to cause to lie, wait")) (z²-grade yod-present)
    • *lagō - f - "law, statute" < "what is put down" (OE lagu) (if not split off from the neuter plural) (z²-grade ō-stem abstract)
    • **lagraz - adj - "putting (down), placing", implied by *lagriþō (> OHG lagarida ("bed, crib")) and *lagrōną ("to put (down), settle, end") (OF lageria ("to settle, reconcile, end, destroy") if not legeria) (z²-grade ra-stem adjective)
    • *lagulaz - adj - "placing, positioning" (OE ǣ-lagol ("legislative < law-placing/giving")) (z²-grade ula-sem adjective/gerundive)
  • **samaną - stv - "to be similar, agreeable, pleasing" < *sóm(h₂)-eti
    • *samaz - adj - "similar, agreeable, pleasant" (diachronically cf. AG homós ("same")) (e²-grade a-stem adjective)
    • *samþuz - adj - "agreeable, pleasant > soft, smooth" (OE sēfte, sōfte; OS sāfto; OHG samfti/semfti', samfto) (e²-grade tu-stem adjective)
    • *sōmiz - adj - "being agreeable, suitable, pleasant" (ON sœmr; OS sōmi; MHG süeme) ( o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
    • *sōmijaną - wkv - "to cause to be agreeable, to make pleasing" (ON sœma; OE sēman; MHG süemen) (o²-grade causative)
    • *sōmō - f - "agreement, concord" (ON sómi (m.); OE sōm) (o²-grade ō-stem abstract)
    • *samjaną - wkv - "to try to please" (GO samjan; ON semja) (if not factitive from *samaz) (z²-grade yod-present)
  • **waganą - stv - "to move, shake" < *wóǵʰ-eti
    • *wōgiz - adj - "shaking, moving a lot" (MD woeg) (o²-grade i-stem gerundive)
    • *wakk/gōną - wkv - "to shake, move to and fro" (ON vaga; OE wagian; MD waggen; OHG wagōn) (z²-grade weak class 2 iterative)
  • **walaną - stv - "to slay, destroy, ruin" < *wólh₃-eti
    • *walą - n - "(the) slain" (ON valr (m.); OE wæl; OHG wal) (e²-grade a-stem passive agentive)
    • *wōlaz/*wōlō - m/f - "ruin" (OE wōl; OS wōl; OHG wuol)

Class 7

  • **hēþaną - stv - "to preserve" < **kéh₁t-eti
    • *hēþijǭ - f - "(small) chamber, storeroom" < *kéh₁t-(e)y-eh₂(n) (GO hēþjo)


  • **muraną ("to be gone, to have died") < *(me-)mór-e-[1]
    • *murþą - n - "murder" (derived from **murdaz ("dead"); or is it derived from an aorist present/preterite **murþ/**murdaną? cf. *hlōþ/*hlaþaną) (ON morð; OE morþ; OF morth; OS morth; OHG mord) (z-grade to-stem deadjectival)
  • **murzaną ("to be misplaced, forgotten") < *(me-)mórs-e-[2]
    • *marzijaną - wkv - "to impede, disturb" < "to cause to be misplaced, lost" (GO marzjan; OE mierran; OS merrian; OD merren; OHG merren) (o-grade causative)
  • *uraną ("to be alive, standing < to have (a)risen") < *(h₃e-)h₃ór-e-[3]
    • 2nd sg. *arþ/*art is attested in Old English, while 3rd sg. *ar is probably attested in Old Swedish


  1. ^ Tanaka, Toshiya (2011), A Morphological Conflation Approach to the Historical Development of Preterite-Present Verbs: Old English, Proto-Germanic, and Proto-Indo-European, Fukuoka, Hana-Shoin, pages 250-251
  2. ^ Tanaka, Toshiya (2011), A Morphological Conflation Approach to the Historical Development of Preterite-Present Verbs: Old English, Proto-Germanic, and Proto-Indo-European, Fukuoka, Hana-Shoin, pages 251-252
  3. ^ Tanaka, Toshiya (2011), A Morphological Conflation Approach to the Historical Development of Preterite-Present Verbs: Old English, Proto-Germanic, and Proto-Indo-European, Fukuoka, Hana-Shoin, pages 246-250