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//by HastaLaVi2
// <nowiki>

// First, force the js file which has the data arrays to load, otherwise the form may not work functionally
function loadArrays() {
    // Create the request and the script
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
        s = document.createElement('script');

    // Send the request to retrieve data.js'GET', '/w/index.php?title=User:HastaLaVi2/EntryAdder.js/Data.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript', false);

    // Listen for onload, and remove the script after execution
    s.addEventListener("load", function(e) {

    // Load the code inside the script and run it in the head
    s.textContent = xhr.responseText;

// And then do the actual work, place the form where it should be
$( document ).ready( function ( $, mw ) {
	// This is the variable which creates the main table for entry adder
	var mainTable = "<table class='wikitable' style='background: white; border:1px solid #ccc; width: 100%; margin: 2px 0;'>" +
			"\n<td><b>Create a new entry</b>" +
			"\n<div id='formNew' style='padding:7px;'>" +
			"\n<div class='headingsNew'>Headings <small>(Choose only the ones you would likte to use)</small>:</div>" +
			"\n<div class='buttonNew' style='padding-top: 2px;'><span class='helloToTheMoon'></span></div>" +
		nl1 = '%0D%0A',					// Creates a new line
		nl2 = '%0D%0A%0D%0A',			// Creates two new lines
		sq = '%23%20',					// URL code for the character "#"
		st = '%2A%20',					// URL code for the character "*"
		trans = "{{trans-top|}}" + nl1 + "{{trans-mid}}" + nl1 + "{{trans-bottom}}",		// Translitions table templates
		// Form widgets start from here...
		formItems = [];
		formItems[1] = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget( { label: 'Language', menu : { } } );
		formItems[2] = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget( { label: 'Lemma', menu : { } } );
		formItems[3] = new OO.ui.CheckboxMultiselectWidget(),
		selectedDatas = [];
	// So, this deals with adding languages and lemmas to the dropdown menus
	function addOptionsToDropdown( dropdown, optionTexts ) {
		dropdown.getMenu().addItems( function ( optionText ) {
			if(optionText.constructor === Array){
				return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { label: optionText[1], data: optionText[0] } );
			} else {
				return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { label: optionText } );
		} ) );
	// This function is for appending headings to the selecting list
	function addOptionsToCheckbox( checkbox, optionTexts ) {
		checkbox.addItems( function ( optionText ) {
			return new OO.ui.CheckboxMultioptionWidget( { label: optionText, data: optionTexts.indexOf(optionText) } );
		} ) );
	var langSelected = function(option){
		selectedDatas.lang = option.getLabel();
		selectedDatas.code = option.getData();
	var lemmSelected = function(option){
		selectedDatas.lemma = option.getLabel();
	// Function for inserting lemmas and languages boxes to the form
	function insertLanguagesAndLemmas($insertBefore, formItems) {
		var namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
			'width': '48%',
			'z-index': '1000',
			'width': '48%',
			'z-index': '1000',
		addOptionsToDropdown( formItems[1], languages );
		formItems[1].getMenu().on('select', langSelected);
		addOptionsToDropdown( formItems[2], lemmas );
		formItems[2].getMenu().on('select', lemmSelected);
		$insertBefore.before( formItems[1].$element );
		$insertBefore.before( formItems[2].$element );
	// Function for inserting headings to the form
	function insertHeadings($insertBefore, formItems) {
		addOptionsToCheckbox(formItems[3], headings);
		$insertBefore.before( formItems[3].$element );
	// This function creates title lines
	function makeTitle(number, title) {
			return "%3D%3D" + title + "%3D%3D";
		} else if(number==3){
			return "%3D%3D%3D" + title + "%3D%3D%3D";
		} else if(number==4){
			return "%3D%3D%3D%3D" + title + "%3D%3D%3D%3D";
		} else if(number==5){
			return "%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D" + title + "%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D";
	// Checks which headings before lemma title are selected and give them their proper title lines
	function handleBeforeLemma(table) {
		var sample = "";
		for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
			if (table[i]) {
				sample = sample + nl2 + makeTitle(3, table[i]) + nl1 + ((i==1||i==2||i==3) ? "" : st);
		return sample;
	function headword(lang, lemma) {
		// Check if a headword template for the spesific language exists, otherwise we have to use simple headword template
		lemma = lemma.toLowerCase();
		return nl1 + "{{head|" + lang + "|" + lemma + "}}" + nl1 + sq;
		// NOTE: This section in need of help, to check if a language has a headword template like "{{en-noun}}"
	function handleAfterLemma(table) {
		var sample = "", sayi;
		for (i = 6; i < 29; ++i) {
			if (i==24||i==25||i==26||i==27||i==28) {
				sayi = 3;
			} else {
				sayi = 4;
			if (table[i]) {
				sample = sample + nl2 + makeTitle(sayi, table[i]) + nl1 + (i==23 ? trans : "");
		return sample;
	// This function creates the result page's wikicode
	function createResultPageCode(formItems) {
		var headTitle = mw.util.getParamValue( 'title' ),			// Picks the title value from URL
			headSearch = mw.util.getParamValue( 'search' ),			// Picks the search value from URL
			title, resultPage = "", tryThis;
		if($('#firstHeading').text() === "Search results"){
			title = headSearch;
		} else {
			title = headTitle;
		// We will need this var later on headword templates
		var editableLemma = selectedDatas.lemma;
		// Edit all the selected data before clicking the button
		selectedDatas.lang = makeTitle(2, selectedDatas.lang);
		selectedDatas.lemma = makeTitle(3, selectedDatas.lemma);
		// Seperate headings before the lemma title and after, because we are gonne run them seperately
		selectedDatas.headsBefore = [];
		selectedDatas.headsAfter = [];
		formItems[3].findSelectedItems().map( function(heading) {
			// Those who has its index smaller than 6 are the hedings before lemma title, you can check this out from the "Data.js" file
			if (heading.getData() < 6) {
				selectedDatas.headsBefore[heading.getData()] = heading.getLabel();
			} else {
				selectedDatas.headsAfter[heading.getData()] = heading.getLabel();
		resultPage = resultPage 
			+ selectedDatas.lang 
			+ handleBeforeLemma(selectedDatas.headsBefore)
			+ nl2 + selectedDatas.lemma 
			+ headword(selectedDatas.code, editableLemma)
			+ handleAfterLemma(selectedDatas.headsAfter);
		window.location = '' + title + '&action=edit&preload=User:HastaLaVi2/Example&preloadparams[]=' + resultPage;
	// Function for adding "create" button to the form
	function finalButton($insertBefore, formItems) {
		var button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { 
			label: 'Create entry',
		} );
		button.on( 'click', function () {
		} );
		$insertBefore.before( button.$element );
	// This is where the magic actually happens
	$.when( mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ), $.ready ).then( function () {
		var namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
		if (namespace === 0||namespace === -1) {
			$( '.mw-newarticletext' ).after(mainTable);
			$( '.mw-newarticletextanon' ).after(mainTable);
			$( '.mw-search-createlink' ).after(mainTable);
			insertLanguagesAndLemmas( $( '.headingsNew' ), formItems);
			insertHeadings( $( '.buttonNew' ), formItems);
			finalButton( $( '.helloToTheMoon' ), formItems);
	} );
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );

// </nowiki>