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@import url('//');

 font-size: 90%;

.mf-font-size-clientpref-small .mw-body p, .mf-font-size-clientpref-small .content p
 font-size: 98%;

/* duplicate */
span[lang|=grc-Latn], span[lang|=el-Latn],
  span[lang|=ar-Latn], span[lang|=arz-Latn],
  span[lang|=ota-Latn], span[lang|=fa-Latn],
  span[lang|=syr-Latn], span[lang|=syc-Latn], span[lang|=arc-Latn],
  span[lang|=sem-Latn], span[lang|=cop-Latn], span[lang|=sux]
 font-size: 100%

.Arab, .fa-Arab, .glk-Arab, .kk-Arab, .ks-Arab,
.ku-Arab, .mzn-Arab, .ota-Arab, .pa-Arab, .ps-Arab,
.sd-Arab, .tt-Arab, .ug-Arab, .ur-Arab, .ms-Arab
 font-size: 115%;

.polytonic, .Polyt
 letter-spacing: normal;
 line-height: 1.4;
 font-stretch: condensed;
    "Times New Roman", Palatino, Charter,
    "EB Garamond", Baskerville, "PT Serif",
    Cambria, "Dialekt Uni", Constantia,
    Keft, Thryomanes, Gabriola,
    "DejaVu Sans Condensed", "DejaVu Sans",
    "DejaVu Serif Condensed", "DejaVu Serif",
    "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande"

 font-size: 105%;