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@import url("");

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/* works, but also effects Editing box of Main:articles */
/* Main:articles, [[:fr:Wiktionnaire:Personnaliser le monobook]]*/
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/** Unclutter **/
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.maintenance-box, .request-box, .checktrans, [title="Category:Mandarin definitions needed"], [title="Category:Min Nan definitions needed"], A[href="/wiki/Category:Cantonese_adjectives"], [title="Category:Cantonese adjectives in traditional script"], [title="Category:Cantonese definitions needed"], A[href="/wiki/Category:Japanese_nouns"], [title="Category:Chinese hanzi"], A[href="/wiki/Category:Korean_nouns"], [title="Category:Han characters"], [title="Category:Chinese terms needing attention"], [title="Category:Japanese definitions needed"], [title="Category:Japanese kanji"], [title="Category:Korean definitions needed"], [title="Category:Korean hanja"], [title="Category:Vietnamese definitions needed"], [title="Category:Vietnamese Han tu"], 
A[title*="with two Han script characters"], A[title*="in simplified script"], A[title*="in traditional script"], A[title*="derived from"], A[title*="spelled with"], A[title*="proper noun"],
[title="Category:English nouns"], [title="Category:English adjective"], [title="Category:English adverb"], [title="Category:English verb"], [title="Category:French nouns"], [title="Category:French verb"], [title="Category:French adjective"], TABLE[style="border: 1px dashed rgb(153, 153, 153); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left;"], TD[bgcolor="#f9f9f9"][colspan="4"], /*Universal Character Set*/ #CJK_char_info,
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h2,h3 /* + classes léxicaux et "Prononciation" */
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*[lang=ko], a[href="/w/index.php?title=Eumhun&action=edit&redlink=1"] { float: left;  }

.ns-0 li A[href^="/wiki/%"] .Hani /* zh char start w/ %, but Cyrillics too */, 
.ns-0 li A[href^="/w/index.php?title=%"] .Hani /* non-existing art */ 
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[title="漢音"], [title="呉音"], [title="唐音"], [title="慣用音"], [title="俗字"], [title="on'yomi"], [title="kun'yomi"], [title="nanori"] { font-family: "Book Antiqua"; background-color: transparent; color:SaddleBrown; font-size: 18.5px !important; }

.ns-0 dd a, dd b /lien et caractères gras des exemples dans les listes de définition / { font-family: STSong !important; font-size:14px !important; }
.interwiki a {background-color: transparent;}
/*Universal Character Set*/ #CJK_char_info 

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