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егъэзын (jeğɛzən) (transitive)

  1. to force someone do something (usually unwillingly)
    Ныом кӏалэр регъэзы ишхын ышхынэу
    Nəwom kʼalɛr reğɛzə jišxən əšxənɛwu
    The old-woman forces the boy to eat her dinner.
    Кӏалэр емыгъэз мэмыкӏорагъомэ
    Kʼalɛr jeməğɛz mɛməkʷʼorağʷomɛ
    Don't force the boy if he doesn't want to go.
    Сыкъырегъэзы ӏэшӏу сышхынэу
    Səqəreğɛzə ʼɛšʷʼu səšxənɛwu
    It forces me to eat sweet.
    Кӏалэр рагъэзэгъ мэшӏкӏэенэу
    Kʼalɛr rağɛzɛğ mɛšʼkʼɛjenɛwu
    They forced the boy to do trouble.
    Кӏалэр ебгъэсышъутэп ишӏэнэу зыфамыер
    Kʼalɛr jebğɛsəšʷutɛp jišʼɛnɛwu zəfaməjer
    You can't force the boy to do something he doesn't want to do.
  2. to have an irrational need or irresistible urge to perform some action, often despite negative consequences
    Ешъоным сыкъырегъэзы
    Ješʷonəm səqəreğɛzə
    I have an urge to drinking.