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Old Church Slavonic




похотьми (poxotĭmi) (Old East Church Slavonic)

  1. instrumental plural of похоть (poxotĭ)
    • 1581, Ostrog Bible, 2 Timothy 3.6:
      ѿ сихъ бо сꙋть понырѧющеи в домы, и пленѧюще женишца събраны грехи, и въдима похотьми различными […]
      otŭ sixŭ bo sutĭ ponyręjuštei v domy, i plenęjušte ženišca sŭbrany grexi, i vŭdima poxotĭmi različnymi […]
      For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts