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थुष (thuṣa) stem?

  1. chaff
  2. husk of grain
Neuter a-stem declension of थुष
Nom. sg. थुषम् (thuṣam)
Gen. sg. थुषस्य (thuṣasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative थुषम् (thuṣam) थुषे (thuṣe) थुषानि (thuṣāni)
Vocative थुष (thuṣa) थुषे (thuṣe) थुषानि (thuṣāni)
Accusative थुषम् (thuṣam) थुषे (thuṣe) थुषानि (thuṣāni)
Instrumental थुषेन (thuṣena) थुषाभ्याम् (thuṣābhyām) थुषैः (thuṣaiḥ)
Dative थुषाय (thuṣāya) थुषाभ्याम् (thuṣābhyām) थुषेभ्यः (thuṣebhyaḥ)
Ablative थुषात् (thuṣāt) थुषाभ्याम् (thuṣābhyām) थुषेभ्यः (thuṣebhyaḥ)
Genitive थुषस्य (thuṣasya) थुषयोः (thuṣayoḥ) थुषानाम् (thuṣānām)
Locative थुषे (thuṣe) थुषयोः (thuṣayoḥ) थुषेषु (thuṣeṣu)