User:Visviva/Erkenntnis 200805

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This is a list of lowercase non-hyphenated single words, lacking English entries in the English Wiktionary as of the most recent database dump, found in the 2008-05 issue of Erkenntnis.

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44582 tokens ‧ 37823 valid lowercase tokens ‧ 4235 types ‧ 77 (~ 1.818%) words before cleaning ‧ 


  1. acausal
  2. approximatively
  3. argumentations
  4. axiomatics
  5. axiomatizations
  6. calculational
  7. checkability
  8. contextualism
  9. decomposability
  10. deductivists
  11. dehistoricize
  12. digitalization
  13. disjunctiveness
  14. explanatoriness
  15. fictionalists
  16. formalizability
  17. foundationalism
  18. foundationalist
  19. foundationally
  20. gapless
  21. historiographic
  22. incomputability
  23. indispensible
  24. inductiveness
  25. logicist
  26. monotonicity
  27. nondeductive
  28. nonrigorous
  29. piecewise
  30. platonism
  31. primehood
  32. prover
  33. reconceptualize
  34. reducibility
  35. rigourization
  36. spacetimes
  37. supertasks
  38. surveyability
  39. surveyable
  40. tenseless
  41. ultrafinitism
  42. ultrafinitists
  43. unexplanatory
  44. unfeasibly
  45. unilluminating
  46. unproblematically
  47. usurpatory


  1. persistance - typo only?