User:Visviva/Erkenntnis 200807

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This is a list of lowercase non-hyphenated single words, lacking English entries in the English Wiktionary as of the most recent database dump, found in the 2008-07 issue of Erkenntnis.

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40199 tokens ‧ 33572 valid lowercase tokens ‧ 3634 types ‧ 58 (~ 1.596%) words before cleaning ‧ 


  1. alethiological
  2. analysable
  3. assertability
  4. centerground
  5. communicationally
  6. completedly
  7. conditionalization
  8. connectives
  9. deflationism
  10. disquotation
  11. emotively
  12. erotetically
  13. formalisms
  14. formalizations
  15. foundationalism
  16. foundationalists
  17. frequentism
  18. frequentistic
  19. incomputable
  20. inferentially
  21. informee
  22. intensionally
  23. macrophysical
  24. maxichoice
  25. metainformation
  26. metaphilosophical
  27. metatheoretical
  28. metatheoretically
  29. multiagent
  30. nomic
  31. nomologically
  32. objectivistic
  33. performator
  34. physicalistically
  35. pretheoretical
  36. prosentential
  37. representability
  38. semantical
  39. statable
  40. subexpressions
  41. subformula
  42. subjectivist
  43. subjectivistic
  44. superdupervenience
  45. supervenience
  46. supraclassical
  47. systematicity
  48. thingish
  49. transcendentality
  50. truthmakers
  51. uninterpreted
  52. usably
  53. waterish

