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Text style Emoji style
🗿︎ 🗿️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
🗿 U+1F5FF, 🗿
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs 😀





A moai, one of the famed, giant stone statues of human figures on Easter Island. Depicted as a gray stone carving of a stylized human head with a prominent brow and nose.




  1. An emoji representing a moai head.
  2. (Internet slang) Used to indicate humor, embarrassment, confusion, or surprise at something.
    • 2023 July 2, Shei (@shei_babu), Twitter[1]:
      the most annoying thing if twitter die is how am i suppose to track down the asian artists with wifi password usernames who paint anime fanarts like renaissance paintings 🗿

Derived terms
