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Is it cognate with везти (vezti) ? --Fsojic (talk) 09:56, 17 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

No. вести (vesti) is cognate with English wed. везти (vezti) is cognate with English way, wagon, from PIE *weǵʰ-. —Stephen (Talk) 12:35, 17 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Is that okay that such meanings are ascribed to the Russian verb that this verb can have only in combination with some other words? Вести переговоры: to negotiate; вести мяч: to dribble; вести себя (literally: to direct oneself, to lead oneself): to behave; вести телепередачу: to moderate a TV show; вести разговор: to be a leader in a conversation, that is to ask questions, to set topics (rather than just to have a conversation; on the other hand, the role of a leader in a conversation may as well be shared between the two participants) — but the verb does not mean anything like that without those words. - 17:30, 19 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

No, meanings that require two or more words must be paired with the expression in question. In many cases, such expressions are idiomatic and deserve to have a separate entry. In other cases, the expression is not felt to be idiomatic enough, or in some other way undeserving of a separate page, and such expressions can be listed as usage examples in the definition section. For example, see укроп. —Stephen (Talk) 18:43, 19 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
Then, I think someone needs to correct this page. But I don't know which way of its correction is preferable… Seven meanings are listed, only two belong to the word itself (the 1st and the 3rd: you can just say "я поведу" meaning you will drive the car), even though the definition for the 1st meaning seems to combine two different cases and also fall in the trap I named: one could indeed preside over a meeting (вести заседание), but there is no meaning of "presiding" in the verb itself... At least, "вести себя" certainly needs to be separated into somewhere. - 00:42, 20 September 2015 (UTC)Reply