Could I get you to look at this?

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Could I get you to look at this?

Hello again! Could I get you to look at *gʷʰer- and its derived terms?

JohnC506:03, 5 May 2015

I think that it may be better if separate entries are not created for present, aorist and perfect forms, but to list them and their descendants on the main page of the root.

CodeCat14:48, 5 May 2015

Sorry for the delay. I have always been a bit unclear about that. Is it that we need a critical mass of attested forms before we create a subpage for a verb or noun form? And if we put the inflected forms back under the root, would we still retain the conjugation tables?
Also, what became of your idea to split reconstructions into their own namespace?

JohnC501:46, 6 May 2015

In the past I created entries for the three verb aspects, but I'm now thinking it wasn't such a good idea. It makes it impractical to list verbs because generally the aspects all combine into one verb in the descendant languages. Furthermore, some languages don't really have as many distinct classes anymore. For example, Germanic root verbs are something like 95% thematic verbs, but that doesn't mean their ancestors were. So it's better to keep them together on the same page.

CodeCat01:49, 6 May 2015

But...but...I like making extra pages and having the different aspects categorized... :(

JohnC501:58, 6 May 2015