Kephir dispute resolution

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Kephir dispute resolution

What has to happen is there needs to be some guarantee that Kephir won't keep bullshit blocking me and removing content I make on third-party pages, at least without harsh penalties. At present, the only rules-based way to prevent an admin from blocking an editor is to take away his tools. FWIW, the decision to start this discussion didn't start in a vacuum...I've been working on it for months, and not alone.

Purplebackpack8916:33, 20 May 2015

I understand that there are some interpersonal issues going on, and as with all things there are various points of view. What I am saying is that punitive votes have very rarely (if ever) succeeded, and if you actually want an outcome which resolves anything a vote is probably the worst place to start. The most likely outcome is probably just increased acrimony, no matter what the result of the vote.

TheDaveRoss17:50, 20 May 2015

Well, I wouldn't say this is wholly punitive. It's preventive in the sense that it aims to stop Kephir bullshit blocking me again. It also wasn't taken lightly; I used literally all the bullets I could before resorting to this. I tried talking to Kephir...and he deleted my comments as vandalism. Other people tried talking to Kephir...and he refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing, continuing to maintain that I'm a vandal and should be indeffed. But if you think we can still talk our way out of this, go right ahead and talk to Kephir about his blocks. See what happens. I think it's likely that you'll get one of the following two responses:

  1. Kephir refuses to respond entirely (perhaps by deleting your thread), or
  2. Kephir maintains he was clearly in the right, and I should be indeffed as a vandal

As you can see, either response is ridiculous, but you could still try talking to him. Good luck,

Purplebackpack8918:10, 20 May 2015

Why was I alerted that there were new messages in this thread which required my attention?

 — I.S.M.E.T.A.22:51, 20 May 2015

@I.S.M.E.T.A.: LiquidThreads notifies you of any conversation on a talk-page you're watching. (I assume you do have User:TheDaveRoss on your watchlist? If not, then I have no explanation.)

RuakhTALK00:18, 21 May 2015

Pretty boring page to watch!

TheDaveRoss11:46, 21 May 2015

I presumably have it on my watchlist from some old conversation I participated in before you switched it to LiquidThreads.

Though now that it occurs to me, I'm going to remove it . . .

RuakhTALK06:21, 22 May 2015

Thank you, Ruakh. Yes, I'd had this page on my watchlist since I tried to revert this bit of vandalism on the 12th of March. (Mr. Granger, however, beat me to it, but this page nevertheless got added to my watchlist.)

 — I.S.M.E.T.A.12:24, 23 May 2015