User talk:Pinyinize

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Latest comment: 12 years ago by Jamesjiao in topic Creating traditional entries
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bāo jiǎozi 包饺子
Bāogōng 包公
bǔshā 捕杀
cánjírén 残疾人
cānjù 餐具
cǎocóng 草丛
chángláng 长廊
chéng chuán 乘船
chēwèi 车位
dàxióngmāo 大熊猫
dēnglong 灯笼
dǎoyóu 导游
dǎqì 打气
diào yú 钓鱼
diǎn(cài) 点(菜)
fàngxué 放学
fúzhuāng 服装
fā píqì 发脾气
fāngkuài 方块
fēixiáng 飞翔
gǔshī 古诗
hángbān 航班
hángtiānfēijī 航天飞机
hézi 盒子
hóngshāoròu 红烧肉
hùchénghé 护城河
hūnlǐ 婚礼
huábǎn 滑板
Huángguǒshù Pùbù 黄果树瀑布
hui1fu4 恢复
jiāoyóu 郊游
jiǎngjiěyuán 讲解员
jiǎoyìn 脚印
Kūnmíng Hú 昆明湖
kǎlā-OK 卡拉-OK
lúnchuán 轮船
lǎonián héchàngtuán 老年合唱团
lǐngdài 领带
lǐtáng 礼堂
lǐyú 鲤鱼
lǚxíngshè 旅行社
liǎnpǔ 脸谱
míngxìnpiàn 明信片
mùjuān 募捐
měiróng 美容
měishùguǎn 美术馆
mǎn tóu dà hàn 满头大汗
miànbāoxiè 面包屑
nàozhōng 闹钟
nánguò 难过
nánháir 男孩儿
nǎiyóu dàngāo 奶油蛋糕
pàngzi 胖子
pá shān 爬山
piāoliú 漂流
qìchēzhàn 汽车站
qìfèn 气愤
Qínshǐhuáng bīngmǎyǒng 秦始皇兵马俑
qīngjiégōng 清洁工
qīnglǐ 清理
qīngnián zhìyuànzhě 青年志愿者
qi3ng jìn 清进
rèdài yǔlín 热带雨林
sìhéyuàn 四合院
sùmiáo 素描
shízì lùkǒu 十字路口
shòupiàoyuán 售票员
shòuzi 瘦子
shùyè 树叶
Shǎolín Sì 少林寺
shuāi shāng 摔伤
shuāijiāo 摔跤
shuǐjǐng 水井
tángzhuāng 唐装
tóngzhuō 同桌
tóu(qiú) 投(球)
tī qiú 踢球
tījiǎn 体检
tǐyùguǎn 体育馆
wèishēngjiān 卫生间
wéijīn 围巾
wénjùhé 文具盒
wǔdǎ 武打
wǔdǎpiàn 武打片
wǔhuì 舞会
xiàoyuán 校园
xiédài 鞋带
xiāngsūjī 香酥鸡
Xiōngyálìwén 匈牙利文
xiǎochīdiàn 小吃店
Yíhéyuán 颐和园
yóudìyuán 邮递员
yóuhuà 油画
yùndòngxié 运动鞋
yúchuán 渔船
yúxiāng ròusī 鱼香肉丝
yěcān 野餐
yīnyuèhuì 音乐会
yuànzi 院子
zǎocān 早餐
zuòchē 坐车



Welcome to Wiktionary and thank you for your Mandarin contributions. Unfortunately I noticed you have not been using standard formatting, which is creating a lot of extra work for the other Mandarin contributors. In the future could you please abide by Wiktionary's standard entry formatting? Check out How to Create a Basic Chinese Entry for a step-by-step guide. If you have any questions you can always leave a messaage on my talk page. Cheers. ---> Tooironic 05:38, 15 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Your Mandarin entries


Please make sure you create the traditional form as well when you create the simplified form. So that I don't have to clean up after you. Thanks JamesjiaoTC 22:43, 16 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Four more things: Place the {{zh-forms}} template in the Mandarin section, not outside of it; wikify your definitions; use the rs= switch inside cmn-noun/adj/verb templates; please put some thoughts into your definitions - they are less than ideal (e.g. 难过 and 轮船). JamesjiaoTC 22:48, 16 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Creating traditional entries


While I appreciate your quality work in creating simplified entries, please do remember to create the corresponding traditional entry as well. It's easy enough to convert simplified chars into traditional using online tools. I realize it's duplicating the effort, but currently we do not have any form of consensus on which writing form should take precedence over the other. JamesjiaoTC 20:25, 24 January 2012 (UTC)Reply