a suh it guh

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Jamaican Creole[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]


Literally, "that's how it goes."


  • IPA(key): /a ˈsʌ (ʰ)ɪt ˈɡʌ/
  • Hyphenation: a‧suh‧it‧guh


a suh it guh

  1. c'est la vie; such is life, that's life.
    A: Dem fire mi fram di work mi get wah day. B: A suh it guh.
    A: I lost the job I got recently. B: That's life.
    • 2018, I.D. Seymour, Most Wanted: A Jamaican Story, →ISBN, page 69:
      “FAT MAN, a suh it guh ... wi haffi duh what wi haffi duh, anyway listen up to how it ago guh [...] ”
      FAT MAN, such is life... We have to do what we have to do. In any case, listen up! This is how it's going to be [...]
