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Old English


Alternative forms




From an earlier (unrecorded) form *sīþ þon (subsequent to that), with contraction and corresponding shortening of long vowel.






  1. afterwards, subsequently
  2. since
  3. ago, since
    • late 10th century, Ælfric, Lives of Saints
      Þā on þām eahteoþan ġēare siþþan hēo abbudisse wæs, hēo wæs ġeuntrumod swā swā hēo ǣr witeġode, swā þæt ān ġeswel wēox on hire swūran myċel under ċynnbane...
      Then on the eighth year since she became abbotess, she was sickened as she had previously predicted, as a large tumor grew on her neck under the chinbone....




  1. after, since
    • late 10th century, Ælfric, "The Seven Sleepers"
      Min leofe cild, nis nu todæg se casere on eorþan lifigende þe decius sy genemned, se casere þe þu embe axast, he wæs gefyrn worulde and swiðe fela geara synd nu agane syððan he gewat of þysan life;..
      My dear child, there is not today the emperor living on earth who is named Decius; the emperor whom thou askest about, he lived in the world long ago, and very many years are now past since he departed from this life.


  • Middle English: sitthen
  • Middle English: sitthens