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So ... is it rate, or is it salary? These are completely different english words. More explanation needed.

It’s both. Most words in all languages have multiple meanings.
В то же время большинство таких людей предпочитают не работать на ставку у работодателя, а договариваться по мере поступления запросов от клиентов.
V to že vremja bolʹšinstvo takix ljudej predpočitajut ne rabotatʹ na stavku u rabotodatelja, a dogovarivatʹsja po mere postuplenija zaprosov ot klijentov.
At the same time, most of these people prefer not to work for an employer for a salary, but to negotiate taking into account the incoming orders from clients.
Федеральная резервная система США снизила базовую процентную ставку на 50 базисных пунктов.
Federalʹnaja rezervnaja sistema SŠA snizila bazovuju procentnuju stavku na 50 bazisnyx punktov.
The U.S. Federal Reserve lowered its benchmark interest rate by 50 basis points.
—Stephen (Talk) 00:46, 23 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

на полной ставке or на полную ставку?


The example use for ставка states that "to have a full-time job" is работать на полной ставке (prepositional case) but I almost always hear работать на полную ставку. (accusative)

Дядя Морж (talk) 10:05, 23 February 2019 (UTC)Reply