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Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




From трьѥ (trĭje) + клѧтъ (klętŭ). Translated from τρισκατάρατος m (triskatáratos).



трьклѧтъ (trĭklętŭ)

  1. thrice-cursed
    • from Boril Synodic:
      тръклѧтаго богомила, и михаила оученика его, и ѳеѡдора, и добрѣ, и стефана, и василїа, и петра, и прочѧѧ еговы оученикы и единомѫдръникы [...] анаѳема.
      trŭklętago bogomila, i mixaila učenika ego, i θeodora, i dobrě, i stefana, i vasilia, i petra, i pročęję egovy učeniky i edinomǫdrŭniky [...] anaθema.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. attribute of devil
    • from Vita Constantini, 1500500-1500510:
      растѫщоу же божꙇю оученꙇю, злꙑ завистьникъ испрьва трꙑклетꙑ дꙇаволь, не трьпе сего добра.
      rastǫštu že božiju učeniju, zly zavistĭnikŭ isprĭva tryklety diavolĭ, ne trĭpe sego dobra.
      Because God’s Word was spreading, the evil envier from the days of creation, the thrice-accursed Devil, was unable to bear this good.




  • Bulgarian: триклет (triklet)
  • Serbo-Croatian: триклет
  • Russian: треклятый (trekljatyj)

