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English citations of œconomizes

Verb: antiquated spelling of economizes

1804 1815 1819 1835
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1804 C.E., James Stephen, To His Royal Highness The Prince Regent, in The Opportunity; or, Reasons for an Immediate Alliance with St. Domingo. C. Whittingham, page #41:
    Can it be sufficient to say that French brandy may be procured a little cheaper, and that it thereby œconomizes the expenses of government  ?
  • 1815 C.E., Charles Count de Lasteyrise, New System of Education for the Primary Schools, in The Philanthropist, or, Repository for Hints and Suggestions Calculated to Promote the Comfort and Happiness of Man, Longman and Co., volume V, №. XIX, page #199:
    And it is a still more happy circumstance, that in the very expedient which œconomizes the number of masters by immediately supplying assistants on the very spot, according to the necessity of the school, a principle is found productive of new masters.
  • 1819 C.E., Cadit de Gassicourt, On the Manufacture and Uses of Animal Charcoal, known by the Name of Ivory Black, &c., in The Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Arthur Taylor and Richard Taylor, volume LIII, page #19:
    The time saved by this method œconomizes a considerable quantity of fuel.
  • 1835 C.E., W. D. Conybeare, Report on the Progress, Actual State, and Ulterior Prospects of Geological Science., in Report of the First and Second Meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, second edition, page #365:
    Nor, if from these higher views of scientific interest we advert to the more practical considerations of utilitarian importance, and applicability to those œconomical arts on which our national wealth and strength depend, can we think meanly of a science which guides us in the full development of our mineral resources ; which, (to mention only a single instance,) in indicating the proper line in which researches for coal may offer the prospect of success, extends, facilitates, and œconomizes the supply of this article, the great element not only of domestic comfort, but of mechanical power.