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English citations of œcumenic

  • 1588: Adam King (translator), Canisius’ Catechisme or schort instruction of christian religion, page 215
    [] the decree and doctrin of the Haly, Œcumenik and General Counsel of Trent []
  • 1652: John Row and J. Row [son], The historie of the kirk of Scotland 1558–1637, page 537
    That eldershipe and breithren can know the cace better nor ane Œcumenick Synod.
  • 1715: Myles Davies, Athenæ Britannicæ, or a critical history of the Oxford and Cambridge writers and writings [] , book 1, preface, page 76
    [] the only Author — that is universally Read — to a far more Œcumenick Intent than ever any of the Jesuit Pamphlets []
  • 1835: Isaac Taylor, Spiritual despotism, second edition, chapter VI, page 263 (Holdsworth and Ball)
    [] that great economy of provincial government and of œcumenic relationship []
  • 1840: Penny cyclopædia of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge, volume 16, pages 400–402?
    [] councils called Œcumenic or Œcumenical []
  • 1870: Henry Thomas Taverner, John Camden Hotten, George Augustus Sala, Joseph Grego, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, and William Moy Thomas, Charles Dickens: The story of his life, page 30 (Harper & Brothers)
    “ Immense applause you’ve gained, O Boz ! through Continental Europe;
    You’ll make Pickwick œcumenick;* of fame you have a sure hope;
    For here your books are found, gadzooks ! in greater luxe than any []
  • 1905: Emil Reich, Select Documents Illustrating Mediaeval and Modern History, page 130
    The first œcumenic council accordingly met at Nicæa, the Emperor’s summer dwelling-place in Bithynia.
  • 1910: Carroll Davidson Wright, The new Century book of facts: a handbook of ready reference, page 130 (The King-Richardson Company)
    First general (œcumenic) Council of the Church at Nicæa, in Bithynia, 325.
  • 1943: The International Who’s Who, page 461 (Europa Publications Limited)
    Bishop of Old Catholic Church of Switzerland and Prof. of Church History and Law Berne Univ.; Editor Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift; mem. Council of World Conf. of Faith and Order and of the Œcumenic Council for Practical Christianity.
  • 1969: New Moral World, volume 5, page 548 (Greenwood Reprint Corporation)
    No sooner was he secure of the throne, than he convoked an œcumenic council at Nice []
  • 1974: Eric Voegelin, Order and History, volume 4: The Œcumenic Age, fourth-volume title (Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press)
    The Œcumenic Age
  • 1988: Société psychanalytique de Paris, Revue française de psychanalyse, volume 52, page 1,105 (Presses universitaire de France)
    Wouldn’t it be preferable to make an inventory of these differences before revelling in or reassuring oneself of the œcumenic fantasy that such a family is []
  • 1992: Jules Michelet and G. H. Smith, History of France from the earliest period to the present time, page 106 (D. Appleton & Co.)
    If ever general council was œcumenic, it was this of Constance.