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English citations of -fucking-

  • 2013Grand Theft Auto V mission "Parenting 101"
    Michael: Call me an idiot, but a troll, Jim? What's a troll? Jimmy: Like a joker on the Internet. Michael: What sorta jokes? Jimmy: Sorta mean jokes. Michael: Like what? Jimmy: Like someone posts something and you're all like, "That sucks. You suck dick." Michael: Oh. So jokes that aren't funny? Jimmy: No. You don't get it. The humor comes with repetition. Like, you say it once, big deal. Then you say it again, and again, and again, and again. Michael: Okay. Jimmy: Like, the other day, he posts this picture of his newborn, and I'm all like, "Damn, son. That right there is one ugly-ass motherfucker of a baby." And I'm all like, "My balls is prettier than that baby", and then I send him a picture of my balls." "I seen roadkill prettier than that baby. What the hell is wrong with your baby?" And he's all like, "Actually there's a problem with its chromosomes," or something and it's actually a miracle it survived birth. And I'm all like, "It's actually a miracle I survived seeing a picture of its ugly..." Michael: Enough, alright, e-fucking-nough. I get it.
  • 1987Exquisite Corpse, volumes 5-7, page 41:
    I've had a good life. It isn't nearly e-fucking-nough. I need something to explode the chill off my senses, something to give zing and punch to the notion of being alive. Some release from the tension of my tiny universe of human habits, release that realigns me with my potential charm. I mean real release. Not the bullshit designated by Church and State and some other tight-asses addicted to power. Not the patronizing ritual release of a Mardi Gras or a Superbowl where the idea is to get blotto and pretend we still know how to be wild.