Citations:50s progression

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English citations of 50s progression

  • 2010 November 2, michael, “Name the standard”, in[1] (Usenet):
    We may not know it, but everytime we jazzers play a I-VI-II-V (or I-VI-IV-V) progression, we are actually playing the "50s progression" aka "Ice-cream changes".
  • 2012, Rafael Cabredo, Roberto Legaspi, Masayuki Numao, “Finding Motifs in Psychophysiological Responses and Chord Sequences”, in Theory and Practice of Computation[2], Springer, →DOI, page 87:
    The 5-chord progression I - vi - IV - V - I could be considered as an extended version of another common sequence known as the 50s progression (I - vi - IV - V or I - vi - ii - V).
  • 2015, Pedro Buil, “Music Video and Advertisement”, in Enrique Encabo, editor, Reinventing Sound[3], Cambridge Scholars Publishing, →ISBN, page 81:
    The pop aesthetics of the band is identified with the music of this single, which it is also catalogued under what is popularly known as The 50s progression, widely used in pop music. This chord progression is: I-vi-IV-V.