Citations:AIDS baby

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English citations of AIDS baby

  • 1994, Laurie Garrett, The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance:
    The AIDS baby at the Elista hospital was treated by staff who used the same syringes to withdraw blood samples from and administer drugs to all the babies on the neonatal ward.
  • 1996, Philip Frankilin Wagley, Ruth R Faden, Nancy E. Kass, HIV, AIDS, and Childbearing: Public Policy, Private Lives, page 388:
    Several of the women distinguished the morality of having what one called an "AIDS baby" from having a "drug baby":
  • 2007, D. Michael Lindsay, Faith in the Halls of Power:
    [If those same babies had received] a cocktail of AZT and some other [drugs while in utero], it would go from over 40 percent to less than an 8 percent chance that [these women] would have an AIDS baby.
  • 2015, Patricia Taylor, Family Zealous Love Stain:
    When I look at my AIDS baby and hear him cry, I want to lie in the street and pray for a speeding car.