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English citations of Cavuto

question mark at end of headline or chyron containing an unsubstantiated claim

  • 2006 September 13, The Daily Show[1], Jon Stewart (actor):
    Technically, that's not really a question mark at the end of that. It's a similar punctuation symbol known as the Cavuto, named for the journalist(?) who pioneered its use, in sentences like "Why is Russia doing business with nations that hate America?", "Why is America more concerned about the economy than terror?", "Media preaching hate in the mideast?", "Is the liberal media helping to fuel terror?". Cavuto's not saying these things, he's just asking. Like, "Is your mother a whore?"
  • 2006 November 11, Witziges Rätsel, “Re: Democrat victory is victory for US enemies?”, in alt.atheism[2] (Usenet):
    Your subject line has a cavuto*.
    *cavuto: a question mark after a statement so placed to leave the stater innocent of actually stating anything should an accusation ensue.
  • 2006 December 21, thereisnospoon, “Traditional media again clueless about blogs”, in There Is No Blog[3]:
    His piece is hysterically called "The End of Blogging?", using a Cavuto mark at the end of the title.
  • 2007 May 31, Marie Therese, “FOX Business Show Asks: Will Terrorists Use Tuberculosis to Attack America?”, in News Hounds[4]:
    "The Cavuto" is a very special question mark - it makes totally absurd statements or opinions seem relevant and important- to FOX loyalists, at least! Here's a good example of a Cavuto: "Seagull Poops on Child's Head. Is Al Qaeda Recruiting Birds to Attack Our Shores?"
  • 2011 July 23, TampaCT, “a Cavuto? Really?”, in Crooks and Liars[5]:
    So one can publish or say anything so long as they follow it with a Cavuto?
  • 2012 January 6, “2012: The COG’s Apocalypse?”, in Silenced[6]:
    Yes, we added what The Daily Show refers to as a “Cavuto” to the end of our sensationalist headline.
  • 2012 February 15, Rafer Janders, “They already got a hearing (comment)”, in Balloon Juice[7]:
    “Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience?”
    I see they’re helpfully titling the hearing with a Cavuto question mark.

a headline or chyron so marked

  • 2006 September 24, “Jon Stewart and Question-marked captions ("Cavutos")”, in WisdomIsVindicated[8]:
    Over at TVnewser they've posted about the use of question-marked captions (or as the Jon Stewart show has termed them, "Cavutos") to slant news coverage...