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English citations of Cullenmancer

Noun: "(Dragon Age fandom slang) a player who romances Cullen during a playthrough of Dragon Age II"

2016 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2016 June 7, slayertck, Reddit[1]:
    I'm a chronic Cullenmancer and I like romancing him with a Lavellan.
  • 2018 December 31, asha_bellanar, Reddit[2]:
    I'm much more of a Cullenmancer, myself, but I did the Solas romance and was very surprised.
  • 2020 January 30, EllieEffie, Reddit[3]:
    I always feel like a solid good middle ground between a Solasmancer and a Cullenmancer is the Blackwall romance.
  • 2021 March 24, Just_Liv1ng, Reddit[4]:
    I’ve always thought it was a shame us Cullenmancers missed out on a romance tarot with how beautiful all their designs are.
  • 2022 September 9, baby_yaga, Reddit[5]:
    Cullenmancers can keep their cop husband and me and Amadea will keep our God husband <3
  • 2023 February 26, MissRedIvy, Reddit[6]:
    I was a "Cullenmancer", but after playing DAO and DA2 (and after the VA started acting like a t*t), I started romancing Dorian and I will never look back
  • 2023 April 21, loopysewerrat, Reddit[7]:
    No hate to Cullenmancers, maybe blondes just aren’t my type lol. I’m not an Alistair or Anders-mancer either.