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English citations of Georgiophobia

  • 1998, Bruno Coppieters, Georgians and Abkhazians: The Search for a Peace Settlement:
    ... Georgiophobia of the Russians, at times hating the freedom-loving Georgian people, who have tried repeatedly to cast off the shackles of the Soviet empire. Even Eduard Shevardnadze has expressed this constant feature of Georgian []
  • 2004 October–December, Leonid Radzikhovsky, “Georgiophobia: Or the Model of Double Standards”, in Russia in Global Affairs, volume 2, number 4, Globus Publishing House, page 127:
    Georgiophobia. I could never imagine that our society would invent such an odd thing. Once, it looked as if Russia had so many types of xenophobia that there was no place to poke your nail between them, and yet a new phobia appears. ¶ I dare say Georgiophobia falls into a new category. It is simply a pungent new branch on the tree of Caucasiophobia.
  • 2008 February, Janina Sleivyte, “Russia’s Agenda in the post-Soviet Space”, in Russia’s European Agenda and the Baltic States (The Shrivenham Papers; 7), Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, →ISBN, page 31:
    Russo-Georgian relations [] hit the lowest point in September 2006 with Tbilisi’s brief detention of Russian officers on spying charges. Moscow’s response turned into an overall Georgiophobia: withdrawal of its diplomats, suspending transport and mail links, clamping down on ‘illegal’ Georgian businesses and forcing ordinary Georgians residing in Russia to leave the country.