Citations:I volunteer as tribute

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English citations of I volunteer as tribute

Interjection: "(humorous) used to indicate that one is enthusiastic or willing to do something"

2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2014, Kailee Mathias, "Just talking 'bout love", The Oakland (Oakland University), 12 February 2014, page 12:
    One anonymous message up on the screen read, “If there is live sex tonight I volunteer as tribute.”
  • 2016, Abigail Hartley, "A Solution to the Greek Crisis", The Dartmouth (Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH), 2 March 2016, page 4:
    Being angry is no excuse to be unsportsmanlike. The sons and daughters of Dartmouth clearly can't be expected to accept the consequences of their actions, about which I warned, lightly. So, I volunteer as tribute. You may not be able to stop the shift in campus culture and the evolving Dartmouth social scene, but you could at least get a good, clean fight out of it.
  • 2017, Parker S. Huntington, Asher Black, unnumbered page:
    She whips her gaze from Xavier to me and says, "You kinky bitch! You had a threesome, didn't you?" She waves the NDA that is still in her hands. "That's what this is about, isn't it?! You didn't even invite me?! That hurts! Do you guys need a fourth?" Her eyes rake over Xavier's form as she licks her lips. “I volunteer as tribute!”
  • 2017, Hillary Manton Lodge, Jane of Austin, page 172:
    "What about Dash?" Celia asked.
    Margot's hand shot up. "I volunteer as tribute!"
    "Yes," I agreed. "We'd be happy to watch Dash."
    "He's welcome in our kennels as well," Ian assured him.
  • 2018, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Little White Lies, unnumbered page:
    Lest Lily think I was talking about her, I continued. "I am not..." I looked down at our next challenge. "Attempting to recite Robert Forst while stuffing my mouth full of marshmallows."
    "I volunteer as tribute!"
  • 2018, Kristin Billerback, The Theory of Happily Ever After, unnumbered page:
    If someone must investigate the science of gelato and romantic movies, I volunteer as tribute.
  • 2018, Brittany Hennessy, Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media, unnumbered page:
    What you need is a translator, someone who speaks this foreign language, can read minds and decode the cryptic emails and briefs you'll receive. I volunteer as tribute.
  • 2018, Shéa MacLeod, The Death in the Drink, unnumbered page:
    She grinned. "Fun. Does that mean another trip to England for research? I volunteer as tribute."
  • 2019, Amber Kuhlman, If I Fall, unnumbered pages:
    "I need to get laid," Ava said as I filled an ice frosted glass with beer for a customer. "I just need sex, you know? Sex is good. Sex is great."
    "I volunteer as tribute!" Jesse called from where he was sitting at the end of the bar.
  • 2019, Sarah Parcak, Archaeology from Space: How the Future Shapes Our Past, unnumbered page:
    With the red crushed-velvet chairs lovingly tied with bows awaiting in the auditorium, tea servers who rushed to refill our cups the moment we took a sip during talks, and extravagant dinners served in exquisite banquet halls, I thought I had hit the big time. Sight me up for this field! I volunteer as tribute!
  • 2020, Emma Chase, Dirty Charmer, unnumbered page:
    "I'm free on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I'll be your hot rod of steel. You can use me—I volunteer as tribute.”
  • 2020, Anna Meriano, This Is How We Fly, page 427:
    I volunteer as tribute,” Jackson pipes up. “I'm not much use for anything else anyway.”
  • 2021, Sara Fujimura, Faking Reality, unnumbered page:
    "I don't know, the speed skater with the gold medal around his neck was pretty hot. I mean, somebody should go do further research on the competition and report back."
    Aurora raises her hand. "I volunteer as tribute."
  • 2021, Marlene Perez, I'm with the Banned, unnumbered page:
    “I feel like all I do these days is study,” Xavier said. “I'm glad I came tonight. I needed a little stress relief.”
    Skyler raised her hand. “I volunteer as tribute.”
    She was joking, but Connor frowned.
    “What?” she challenged him. “I'm single.”
  • 2021, Liwen Y. Ho, To the Only Boy I've Loved Before, unnumbered page:
    “Well, if you ever need a guinea pig to try your songs out on, I volunteer as tribute.”
  • 2022, Geena-Rose Burton, "Nursing in the time of COVID-19", Adventist Record, 16 May 2020, page 11:
    "I'm asking for volunteers for this [COVID-19] patient and for others who may come in the next week."
    Before she could even finish the sentence my hand was raised. The Holy Spirit prompted me in a way I had never felt so strongly before. I volunteer as tribute. No, just, I'm happy to volunteer to look after her.
  • 2022, Katherine Center, The Bodyguard, unnumbered page:
    "You be his girlfriend then!" I said.
    Glenn flared his nostrils.
    "Or anybody else here."
    Kelly's hand shot up. "I volunteer as tribute!"
  • 2022, Jordan Nixon, "Where are the deals", The Battalion (Texas A&M University), 3 February 2022, page 6:
    Will the pay gap, and therefore the value gap, between Black and white creators diminish? It's hard to say, but if we're starting with media coverage, I volunteer as tribute.
  • 2022, Lucy Score, Maggie Moves On, unnumbered page:
    “And then here come the comments,” Dean crowed. “'If Maggie's not dating him, I volunteer as tribute.' 'Hot landscaper guy can mow my lawn any day.'”