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English citations of OOP and oop

Noun: "original, original poster; the person who first created a post or other piece of media, rather than the person sharing it in a thread"

2021 2022 2023
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2021 July 16, mandiexile, “This is a very old post that was removed by the mods, but I saved the text on my phone. This was so cruel and petty, and I think about it all the time.”, in Reddit[1], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    Ugh OOP is so pathetic and insecure. I hope he divorced her and deletes/throws away HER from his life.
  • 2021 December 28, Echospite, “I broke up with my girlfriend over her comments about my best friend, now everyone is calling me stupid (TW: SA and r*pe mentioned)”, in Reddit[2], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2023-03-12:
    Reeks of a TERF. Jesus, what a terrible human being. :( Poor Alex, poor OOP.
  • 2022 January 2, Bumpyskinbaby, “The title is enough”, in Reddit[3], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    One day, OOP, when your son turns 18 and moves out and starts making his own medical appointments, he's going to work on himself and give himself the care and compassion you and your wife never allowed him, and it will be a blessing if he even shows up to your houses for holidays.
  • 2022 June 6, HygorBohmHubner, “OOP's wife believes she is pregnant even though tests have proven she's not. And OOP fears that his wife has mental issues”, in Reddit[4], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
  • 2022 June 6, Feeya_b, “OOP's wife believes she is pregnant even though tests have proven she's not. And OOP fears that his wife has mental issues”, in Reddit[5], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    I just remembered OOP asking people to just stop with the divorce comments
  • 2022 June 6, bennitori, “OOP's wife believes she is pregnant even though tests have proven she's not. And OOP fears that his wife has mental issues”, in Reddit[6], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    I remember seeing the final update. Iirc OOP linked to all the past posts, and I was completely blown away. This was the first instance I had ever heard of involving phantom pregnancies in humans.
  • 2022 July 5, Big-Experience-3640, “OOP finds out her loving dad's dark past as a kidnapper”, in Reddit[7], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    I am not OOP. The original posts and all updates are written by u/Ready-Canary1226 on r/TrueOffMyChest
  • 2022 July 19, Puzzleheaded_Rate_12, “OOP invites her entire family on her honeymoon but her entitled Grandparents demand the villa OOP has booked for her and her husband. Cue sweet malicious compliance.”, in Reddit[8], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2023-03-12:
  • 2022 August 19, Arkell-v-Pressdram, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[9], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    OOP: "Oh noes! My 'marriage' is suffering because of the consequences of my own actions! It's all my wife's fault!"
    The rest of AITA: laughinggirls.jpg
  • 2022 August 19, Accurate_Budget2389, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[10], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    OOP probably wouldn't have answered my question but the mods took down the post before I can ask.
    I was wondering who was he jealous of. The men sleeping with his wife? Or his wife who is getting more action than him?
  • 2022 August 19, SevsMumma21217, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[11], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    I've been in ENM/Poly relationships for around 16 years now and this is a tale as old as time.
    Men like OOP --men who are somehow convinced that they are going to open their relationships and be absolutely drowning in pussy while Wifey sits home, waiting for their scraps like a good girl-- are a dime a dozen.
    And they never listen when the community tries to warn them that this is not how it's going to go. Then they come back later and whine about how it's not fair and if Wifey really loved them, she would close the relationship on her end and let them keep dicking around so they can even the score.
  • 2022 August 19, WaDaEp, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[12], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:

    OOP: I gave her flowers and we go out for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, to see family. I keep myself in shape. I also make more money than her and contribute more than enough to our marriage

  • 2022 August 19, lizardbreath1484, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[13], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    This whole post was a good laugh, but I do feel for the wife having OOP as a spouse.
  • 2022 August 19, black_rose_, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[14], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    I swipe left on so many dudes on Tinder who are like OOP, "married dating separately just looking for a casual FWB."
  • 2022 August 19, armchairdetective, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[15], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    From the original post OOP was exceptionally lucky to find TWO women who were willing to sleep with him.
  • 2022 August 19, i_cant_count_, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[16], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    Ah, so OOP is the type of person to think that money and being physically attractive is all you need to keep a marriage alive.
  • 2022 August 20, Neighborhoodnuna, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[17], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    Didnt there was similar post like this before. Oop pushed for open marriage, wife reluctantly agreed but she ended up meeting a better man and oop was jealous? This oop should meet that oop and be miserable together lmao
  • 2022 August 20, Macha_Grey, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[18], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    Good open relationships (you know, where they actually do research and discuss things), usually have a clause that either partner can veto the whole open relationship. I guarantee that if the OOP knew about that he didn't bring it up because he thought his SO would nix the whole idea...and they he wouldn't be able to get his dick wet. Too bad he sucks and can't get his dick wet all on his own.
  • 2022 August 20, InfiniteCalendar1, “"I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does”, in Reddit[19], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    So OOP started this thinking he’d get somewhere only to overestimate himself, and he’s jealous that his wife gets more action than him.
  • 2022 August 21, BarriBlue, “OOP has lied to everyone in their life for 20 years that they are Jewish.”, in Reddit[20], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    Reminder: I am not OOP! I am actually Jewish, I swear! This is a repost!
  • 2022 September 19, camofluff, “they just want to live out their little hero fantasy with the comfort of white middle class privilege”, in Reddit[21], GenderCynical, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    Tired currently, and had to read that thrice to understand in OOPs text.
  • 2022 September 24, lavendercomrade, “OOP - My wife told her friends she settled for me in r/relationship_advice”, in Reddit[22], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2022-09-24:
    mood spoilers: OOP says its a happy update, commenters are skeptical
  • 2022 September 25, NoTransportation9021, “Turns out she had a good reason”, in Reddit[23], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    This is why I appreciate the people who go through and post the OOPs comments here. So my lazy ass doesn't have to go searching lol and I get the full story
  • 2022 September 25, sadlytheworst, “Turns out she had a good reason”, in Reddit[24], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    Copied verbatim from oop's comments: I’d just be blunt about it. No need to sugar coat things, your wife did something crazy and put you and everyone at your work in a horrible position.
  • 2022 September 25, PlaguiBoi, “Turns out she had a good reason”, in Reddit[25], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    OOP: “I’m gonna hide some crucial details in the comments to try and change everyone’s opinion on it!”
    u/sadlytheworst : Cracks knuckles
  • 2022 September 25, rottenwytch, “Turns out she had a good reason”, in Reddit[26], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    She's still unhinged and it feels like there's a lot of info missing even with OOP comments. I think everybody here should divorce each other and never talk again.
  • 2022 September 25, ugh_usernames_373, “Bro really tried claiming watching CP isn't bad”, in Reddit[27], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
    A user asked the following:
    "so you did do it? you just watched the bad videos or made them?"
    To which, OOP replied: "Watching them isn't a crime; possessing them is a crime. I never abused a child."
    Disgusting. Where there is demand, there is supply. He got off on child rape.
  • 2022 September 26, idk_i_just_live_here, “OOP's coworker responds to everything they ask him to do with profanity and “your mom” jokes”, in Reddit[28], BestofRedditorUpdates, archived from the original on 2022-09-26:
  • 2022 November 15, ConfusedAsHecc, “TERF and Proud - FACTS If you were born female you will die female, if you were born male you will die male, hormones, drugs, or surgery won’t change that. 🙈🙈🙈TERF Telling Everyone Real Facts”, in Reddit[29], TERFisafetish, archived from the original on 2022-11-15:
    OP, if you could clear this up for me:
    are you posting this here bc the OOP is a transphobic dirtbag or did you post this here because you agree with it?
    I genuinely cant tell tbh 💀
  • 2022 November 24, sweatpantswarrior, “r/BestOf debates on whether Rittenhouse was innocent or guilty”, in Reddit[30], SubredditDrama, archived from the original on 2022-11-24:
    You can tell OOP put more effort into that post than anything else he did in the last two weeks. That's... really, really not good.
  • 2023 March 9, musci1223, “so smorterer than everyone else”, in Reddit[31], ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM, archived from the original on 2023-03-10:
    The oop
  • 2023 March 9, 500CatsTypingStuff, “I played a prank at this weird kid at my school and it escalated into a bullying crusade by the whole school. I never meant for this to happen and I feel bad about it.”, in Reddit[32], AmITheDevil, archived from the original on 2023-03-10:
    OOP needs to stand up in class and tell people to stop bullying her and admit he was cruel and continue to stop everyone who bullies her until it stops.
  • 2023 March 11, throwaway23er56uz, “Me when transgendereds 😡😡😡”, in Reddit[33], GenderCynical, archived from the original on 2023-03-12:
    OOP was probably staring at the outfit, and the black lace goth dress woman smiled at her because she thought OOP liked it.
  • 2023 March 12, RinoaRita, “Me when transgendereds 😡😡😡”, in Reddit[34], GenderCynical, archived from the original on 2023-03-12:
    Is that lady extra? Or is oop just basic?”
  • 2023 March 17, apostatehobo, “Drama erupts in /r/Antiwork when a highly upvoted post about Iceland turns out to be completely false”, in Reddit[35], SubredditDrama, archived from the original on 2023-03-18:
    i know OOP was trolling but this happens constantly. during covid everyone was saying that canada gave $2,000 to all of its citizens a month regardless of employment status, which was false, but it was always highly upvoted.
  • 2023 March 17, daraeje7, “Drama erupts in /r/Antiwork when a highly upvoted post about Iceland turns out to be completely false”, in Reddit[36], SubredditDrama, archived from the original on 2023-03-18:
    The mods there REMOVED OOP's comments of him admitting to making it up, but left the post up...hmm